Chapter 32 - I Write Sins, Not Tragedies

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Kensi and I hide in silence in Kelly's room while they try to sneak back into the house, only for their dad to verbally tear them new ones for being unaccounted for all day. As far as either of us can tell (the wooden walls, though not at all soundproof, do enough of a good job muffling the yells on all sides that we can't make out much more than the occasional "independence" or "ball and chain!"), they're basically grounded all weekend.

"I'm sorry," I say as Kelly comes back, kicking her bed in frustration.

"We're sorry," Kensi pipes up.

"Don't be, boo." Kelly looks around, wondering where we both are - she hears our voices, but we're still invisible, so she can't locate us exactly. "Haha, I can't remember the last time I called anyone that." She's whispering, but I still get the feeling her dad's going to overhear us. "Now I can start calling Alex that...oh, but it wouldn't be a special nickname just for him."

"You're dating him now?" I cover my hand to smother my laughter. "For real? That's some expert timing there." I smile, first at her, then at the poster on her wall. Though she's nowhere near as poster-happy as Ty - most of her wall space is dedicated to her own artwork of birds, butterflies, and fairies, because like most of us demons, she's got a certain case of wing envy - she's made room for that one shot of Michelle in Spider-Man: Homecoming saying "You guys are losers."

I bet Alex and Kelly's first relationship fight will be Who Wore It Better, Spidey-Suit Edition, with Kelly supporting Tom Holland and Alex in Andrew Garfield's corner.

"Yeah, don't count on me getting to see him anytime before Halloween at this point, though," Kelly snickers. "Maybe not even till Christmas if I'm especially unlucky."

"They wouldn't ground you that long," Kensi says, patting her hand reassuringly.

"You're probably right," Kelly says, "but I'm still just immature enough that I'll plot my parents' deaths in my head as revenge."

"Cool," says Kensi.

"Yeah, but you know what's more fun?" I creep over to the bedside table where I know Kelly keeps her nail polish. "Salon day."

Kelly can't help but clap her hands in delight. "Oh my God, you read my mind. Step into my office, ladies. When you go home, you'll be the best-looking girls in the whole damn afterlife!"

"Well..." Kensi wiggles her fingers in anticipation. "Best nails, at least. Give 'em to us good and maybe they won't go invisible with us either."

"Which wouldn't do well in the event we need to camouflage-"

She covers my mouth, and I find myself gently nipping her palm with my teeth. "Shh," she whispers into my ear. "Let me enjoy things."

I'm not saying you can't.

"Haha, then don't."

Kelly holds up two bottles of nail polish - orange and silver, but she has tons more colors to go around. "What do you want, then, huh? Whatever you ask, I'll do my damnedest."

I consider pan pride colors - pink, yellow, blue - but change my mind in the end and ask for black and silver, to alternate on each nail. "I'll just pretend I'm a Raiders fan now that it's coming up to football season again," I laugh.

"You sure it's not some kind of secret Black Mirror thing?" Kensi asks.

Kelly takes my left hand and starts painting my pinky nail black. "'Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets.'"

I giggle so hard that my hand starts to shake, and Kelly has to let go before she attempts to keep painting and possibly paints my skin instead of my nail. "I'll do yours too, then. But I'm still really bad at this, so-"

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