Luna's Second Litter

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2 months later...

Luna woke up and found she was the only one awake and it was the middle of the night, she didn't know why she had woken until she had a pain in her stomach like the one she had when she first gave birth. She howled for Eclipse to wake and his eyes flickered open to see Luna in agony on the floor. He immediately jumped up and went to her side. Eclipse told Luna that Sol was currently out with Twilight but she just had to do the same as last time, Luna did as she remembered and a young female puppy was born, it had a beautiful coat which was grey on top and it was almost pure white on the bottom, it was unlike any wolf she had ever seen before. She waited for another puppy but no more were born. Luna stood up and gazed at her pup before collapsing again, then she felt a pain in her stomach unlike any before as she gave birth to another female pup who was a normal grey wolf. Luna knew his was the last pup, she had picked out lots of names and she had two perfect for her girls, the grey and white one would be called Selena and the grey wolf would be called Star. Now in her Moon Pack there was 16 wolves. Luna placed her new pups next to her stomach to suckle and she went back to sleep with Eclipse snuggled close to her helping keep the pups warm.

 Luna placed her new pups next to her stomach to suckle and she went back to sleep with Eclipse snuggled close to her helping keep the pups warm

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