1| he is here, he is not afraid

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as much as kellin's mind was one that relied on logic, this simply wasn't a matter that could be put down to something so single-minded. a voice was something you could hear regardless of whether the person was visible or not. that's what logic said. but logic couldn't explain how that voice came to be there when the source was invisible.

for that reason, kellin decided to resort to his second go to explanation; literalism. the voice was there, the person was not. that was all there was to it. so, instead of questioning the science behind it, he listened to what this voice had to say.

"i see you here a lot." came the next line. "you come here alone. not a lot of people do that. you're not afraid of graveyards?"

"what reason have i got to fear the dead? they are gone already. if i were to be granted entrance to whatever afterlife there is, or eternal rest, i wouldn't give that up for a person walking by. even if they were capable of getting up and bothering anyone, why would they bother me? i am no one's enemy." kellin said in his own defence, relying back on logic by instinct.

instinct is not always best.

"you speak as though you already know the answers and yet here i am disproving your poorly thought out hypothesis." the voice said, filling kellin with a very dull kind of excitement. it both intrigued him and sent his mind into a frenzy of messages that all screamed 'run.' only, kellin's body never listened to his brain when he was excited.

perhaps that was one of his downfalls.

"you're a ghost?" he posed a question that summoned more curiosity than it quenched.

"well, that's quite rude. i could be an angel for all you know." they retorted righteously. the voice didn't seem all that hostile and that alone made kellin feel a lot more at ease despite having a conversation with a peculiar voice.

"so what are you?"


although he wasn't usually the type to enjoy these little games and preferred straight answers, kellin was satisfied with that for now. he wasn't so obsessed with conclusions that he didn't enjoy the company of others, contrary to popular belief of those at school.

"i didnt know something without a body could feel cold," kellin said, noting the coolness of the wind that blew against his warm cheeks.

"there's a lot that you don't know about those without a body," the voice chuckled, only causing kellin to take a liking to the sound of this voice. something about it was endearing, making him feel even more safe in this place.

the two talked into the early morning, kellin's yawn being the thing that drew his attention to the time. he had been so caught up in hearing about whatever was said between them that he hadn't realised the sun climbing the sky and in turn painting it magnificent shades of orange and red.

"do you have a name?" he asked, unsure if spirits— or whatever this voice belonged to —even had those.

"vic. you?" the voice responded. although it was odd to have a name without so much as a face to put it to, that was a start. kellin had come to expect something much less... regular, though, for whatever reason.


"will you be here tomorrow, kellin?" vic asked, the way his name sounded in vic's voice gave kellin the sort of feeling you got when going down a steep hill in a car, or take off in a plane. the whole situation gave him that feeling, though. he had longed to know if you could actually communicate with those outside of the usual form, and now it was finally happening.

"yes. will you?"

"i will be right here."

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