5| the calm and the storm

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the point in the story has come where we are presented with the information that kellin and vic had shared many kisses through the course of a week and i must hastily remind you that both light and dark are beginning to shift and falter.

which outweighs the other is completely left to you, but either way, you are now being warned that one is currently more prominent. how long it stays there and which it is is currently a matter of perception. remember, though, perception is often a misleading thing. if you choose to trust it, please question yourself as to whether you are listening to logic or literalism. and try to bear in mind that instinct is not always the best thing to rely on.

where vic and kellin ended up that peculiarly warm morning could be put to blame on either boy. hands laced together, the contrast of cold and warm merged between their palms saw that the temperature difference long forgotten along with the question of whether what was going on would be addressed or not. maybe they were too scared to notice. maybe they were too naïve to care.


have you ever called the night a blanket and not took into consideration the cold? picked up on one positive and ignored all of the negatives that are caused as a result? that is much like what this relationship entailed as the days progressed and the two became more intertwined in the world behind the wall they had built around everything but each other.

it wasn't that vic and kellin didn't care for one another, it was more that the way in which vic had looked at ryan ross and most anyone else that had so much as passed kellin went unnoticed by the dark-attired boy who had used this relationship as an escape from his parents and the rest of the world. it was quite bittersweet, really.

the longer it went on, the more vic grew tired.

tired of the swarming, breeding and churning notion that the feeling of jealousy left behind.

tired of holding all of his anger back and not taking any action to help kellin.

tired of hiding.

kellin was none-the-wiser to vic's screaming urges. his conscience had long abandoned him as part of death. that was possibly the biggest separation between the dead and the living. but this lack of conscience gave vic a diluted version of wrong and right meaning that when ryan stopped kellin in the hall, vic had taken action in the form of a wind strong enough to see ryan on the floor.

kellin could have done nothing to stop it for one cannot fight the wind. especially not when it can't be predicted. he could only watch and walk quickly past a both hurt and scared looking ryan who watched him as he walked with accusing wide eyes.

protectiveness was cute. kellin told himself.

that was just vic's way of dealing with things. he thought.

he had long shut off his logical mind upon meeting vic, his instinct shifting to a literalist one.

remember what was said about instinct.

kellin had tried to keep an open mind when it came to vic as he had so much to learn and something as short as a lifetime to learn it. however, keeping an open mind does not only require going in with no bias and considering all of the facts. sometimes the best way to do it is to use one ear for fact and the other to listen to your gut. sometimes even facts can make little impact on morality.

morality was a safe zone when it came to things like these.

kellin had walked to vic's house after school that day, climbing up through the window to see vic sat on the bed, his legs crossed and head tilted towards the open window. he looked to be in a deep thought, obviously troubled by something. kellin sat beside him, close enough to feel the echoing chill of his being and decided to address his issue before anything else.

"what happened with ryan, that wasn't necessary, you know? you don't have to do stuff like that for me." kellin said, rubbing vic's arm soothingly, his pale skin still so different next to vic's ghostly white complexion.

"i know. but i just can't stand watching your friends take advantage of you. it's not a good thing." he said, not turning once to kellin, even when he had rested his head in the crook of vic's neck, half expecting that to be the end of their discussions on that topic, their words swimming off into the unknown as they usually did until sundown when kellin would return home, sometimes followed by vic.

"kellin?" vic asked in a small voice, finally showing some shift in his posture, signifying a change in his mind.

"yes?" kellin replied simply, considering vic's humbled tone. his eyes scanned the walls, picking up small details that showed just how used this house was. most of the things he noticed had little context, but kellin picked up on the peeling wallpaper and discarded letters in seemingly no order whatsoever. he wondered how much of this had been done by vic and how much was recent.

"why won't you ask me to be your boyfriend when you seemed eager enough to kiss me. couldn't this only further your experiment?"

"how so?" kellin mused, taken slightly aback by the question. he hadn't considered it much in the past few days since he had been happy with how things were, but he didn't see what harm such an advance could do.

"there are things boyfriends do that two separate beings are less inclined. i just figured you'd want to know what it would be like." vic said, using his understanding of the way kellin's mind worked to persuade him.

"then, vic..." kellin started, turning to face his small, smiling love interest. "would you allow me the honour of being your boyfriend?" he asked, his voice a smooth and natural volume amongst the sounds of the world outside the walls.

"of course," vic giggled, pressing a kiss to kellin's cheek. "but put my mind at ease and answer me this,"

"anything," kellin nodded with the slightest amount anticipation.

the hurt behind vic's voice as he asked his question was masked just as well as the scars on his body that the his torn clothes he was wearing attempted to conceal. "am i still merely an experiment to you?"

kellin's expression softened at this, never having wanted to make vic feel upset due to his denial of the fact that he loved vic. "no. no, i promise. in all honesty, you have never been merely an experiment. you are to me what a storm is to the calm. for without you, i am not worth a name. i am not worth noticing. i am simply what is. i am not truly living but merely existing. this is because everything has an opposite to make it needed. you are that opposite. you give me purpose, and for that reason i am humbled to be the one you want to date." kellin concluded, pure faith in the words that he spoke.

vic then allowed kellin to pull him into his arms. for one who was doomed to wander the earth, uncertain, lost and eternally cold, vic's thoughts were clear in kellin's arms. he didn't feel so scared when he was there. kellin was indeed the calm to his storm.

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