12| Cold Blood On Uneven Ground

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!this is unedited and potentially upsetting!

"vic," kellin whispered, his eyes dead straight, set past brendon's head at the figure he had once longed to see. brendon stood bewildered, trying to figure out what it was that had shaken his friend. "please," kellin followed, his lower lip quivering as he thought about what the consequences might be for the brunette boy who had no clue what he had gotten himself into.

vic was going to think he was in love with brendon but that was not true. not at all.

the look in vic's eyes still hadn't dwindled and kellin's stomach showed no signs of slowing down. brendon himself had become more on edge after seeing kellin staring behind him with his eyes silently screaming for help. it was so concerning that he found himself peering over his shoulder, but he saw nothing. the only thing noteworthy was the chill he felt come over his body as he looked into the corner.

"d-don't be upset. we'll be okay." kellin said shakily, forcing a calm smile. "it's only ever been you," he added softly, jumping as someone, presumably a doctor, walked past his room and continued down the hall.

"kellin?" brendon whispered, tilting his head to the side. kellin's speech wasn't directed at him at all, no. this was for someone else's ears. as old habits seemed to die hard; it had only dawned on kellin that he should perhaps use his phone to communicate with vic instead of making himself seem crazy.

"sorry," he excused himself picking up his phone. "i won't be a minute,"

"he kissed you. i'll kill—" vic stopped himself mid-sentence which should have calmed kellin down, but the look on his face was so sinister that the scars littering his otherwise flawless skin made him look like an angel. "no. we're leaving. all of us," he said with a crooked smile keeping the terrible thoughts in his mind locked in his scull, away from kellin's knowledge.

"i— you won't do anything? you won't hurt anyone?" kellin asked, his eyes stinging at the thought of having to watch someone else suffer vic's envy and possessive nature.

"tell him you'll drive him home; say you're sorry, that you'll talk about it later. leave the hospital, you'll be fine and you won't have to talk about any of this to the police. your mom's car is outside, keys are right by your head." vic told kellin, his words had always held such a high place in his mind before. if vic had said he was going to be okay, he would be okay. but now each agreement felt like he was signing his soul away.

choosing to believe and trust in his boyfriend, kellin smiled at brendon after 'hanging up' on vic. "i really don't want to go through with this whole talking to the police thing. can i just take you home and get out of this place?"

"but don't they need to be sure that you're okay? you seem— don't get me wrong— a little tiny bit out of it," brendon said, trying to be as nice as possible. really, he thought kellin had suffered concussion and was currently deluded, but he wouldn't tell him that.

"i'm fine. i promise. i have no reason to lie; it's not like i want to die." kellin chuckled in an attempt to break the tense atmosphere in the sad little hospital room. "i wouldn't feel right if i didn't take you home, though. for being such a good guy,"

"okay." brendon accepted, he could tell that something was off but since there was no possible way of figuring kellin's mind out, he could only assume being in the car with him would prevent any accidents. "but you never really responded to what i said."

"later." kellin said quickly. "we'll talk at your house. can't spend another minute in here," still wary, brendon nodded as he watched kellin grab the keys and followed him out of the door into the cold, wintery atmosphere, unaware of who was watching him closely from behind.

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