7| stone cold

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"i'm cold." vic whispered to kellin as they sat beside each other on the mausoleum roof, watching over the baron graveyard as the sun rose. there wasn't much kellin could do to warm vic up, but leave a seemingly empty promise of 'if you're cold i'll keep you warm' since vic was a ghost and he was always cold.

what kellin didn't know, though, was that when the two of them hugged, vic was no longer cold. he could feel the sun, the breeze, the warmth on his skin as long as kellin touched him. that, of course became one reason why vic's love had turned into what could only be accurately described as an obsession.

it started off as a moderate thing, but soon he couldn't help but get angry whenever ryan ross said anything to kellin be it mean or not. jealousy, anger and passion soon became all he felt. his boyfriend noticed of course, trying to calm vic down and telling him everything was okay; that he didn't need to hurt any body.

vic was listening. he had to. he loved kellin and was willing to do anything to keep him with him for as long as he could. but that didn't mean he didn't still feel it. he just repressed it to the best of his ability. sometimes it got too much, though. his mind's walls would crack, a tidal wave breaking out in the form of vic's repressed hatred.

"should we head home?" kellin asked, looking over at his boyfriend. he hadn't been to his parents house in days, not wanting to know who was trying to do what when it came to being the one to keep him. he was disinterested. no matter who he went to it would be bad, he wondered why he hadn't planned for this sooner. he'd rather be dead than have to endure this.

it didn't seem like such a bad thing, but kellin didn't like either of his parents. it wasn't because they hated him, but because they were bad people. they had done things that were unforgivable, the fact that they created him made kellin no more lenient in that respect. he despised them as people and when the depression would hit them about the split, he knew their habits would return. he didn't want to be there for that.

"that sounds good. my house?" vic asked in a small voice. he was honestly quite shy around kellin the majority of the time and that was because he didn't want to mess up and say the wrong thing.

"of course," kellin smiled, holding his boyfriend's hand. he loved how small he was, their hands and heights matching perfectly for a comfortable walk. he enjoyed almost everything about vic. he was so different and quirky in most every sense and that just made him all the more attractive. kellin especially liked his style because the colours complimented him perfectly.

sometimes he wondered what it would be like to have seen him when he was alive.

sometimes vic wondered if things would be better with kellin being dead, too. he liked that thought a little too much.

as the two left the gates they were unfortunate enough to run into ryan and his boyfriend brendon urie. at least, kellin assumed they were together. ryan sure acted like it, at least. he wasn't happy about running into them, but he also wasn't mad. ryan had chilled out since getting with brendon and everyone was thankful for that. in fact, brendon and kellin had become quite good friends.

ryan and vic hated that a lot, both of them were naturally jealous people. ryan had more reason to be this way of course, since to him, kellin was single and lonely. if brendon was his only friend, why shouldn't he want it to be something more?

"hi, kellin," brendon smiled, giving him a polite wave as they went to walk past. kellin breathed heavily, purely out of reassurance to himself that brendon wasnt a bad guy, returning the smile timidly with his own small wave. unfortunately, ryan decided it would be a good idea to trip him with his foot as they passed, not turning back even when kellin fell to the ground with a grunt.

"i'm going to kill him," vic muttered, kellin's blood running cold and a shiver passing through him at the knowledge that vic was probably nothing short of serious. what were the consequences for a ghost? nothing.

"shit, are you okay, kells?" brendon asked, turning around and leaving his boyfriend's side to help the pale boy up. ryan and vic both gritted their teeth as they watched kellin say thank you and reassure brendon that he was in fact okay.

"i'll see you tomorrow? take care." brendon said softly, returning to his boyfriend's side regardless of his unimpressed look. "i'll text you later, okay?"

"okay," kellin replied meekly, very aware of the fact that vic wouldn't be happy about that. his fears were only confirmed when vic finally spoke.

"i don't really want you to text him. it would make me uncomfortable," he said, taking kellin's hand in his once more and returning to their walk back to his house.

"okay," kellin had replied. he meant it, of course.

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