6| a change; one much like a tornado

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if u want the best experience, start playing the song attached when i tell u to :)

im not sure if this needs a legit smut warning or not but here u go. it's kinda vague but it's important.

a sign that was never positive in any relationship was finding yourself having to dig deep for a reason to stay. a sign that was never positive at the start of the day was arguing between two people that once gave the other the world.

kellin knew that the fuse on this bomb was getting close to the end and soon he'd have to bear the explosion. today was the pinnacle, really; time was running out.

his feet came hard against the unsteady ground, a hurriedly stuffed bag under his arm as he escaped the sound of yelling and smashing plates which was only muffled by the slamming of the front door to his house as he left. the words passed between the two adults still swarmed through his head as he ran, like the argument had continued in his mind. custody? that was not something he expected to wake up to.

maybe they had all seen the split coming, but enduring it was different. they had been emotionally split from each other for a long time. perhaps the rush of screaming and shouting was what kept them together. that was no longer enough. both of kellin's parents needed something healthy now, but kellin didn't want to have to live with either of them while they took wobbly steps through the tedious process of finding their feet again. finding love again. he didn't want to be there for the backlash. for the blame.

he didn't want to be the person that either of them yelled at once they realised that the only thing they had was gone and love would take a long time to find. who would fill in that period? kellin, of course.

he scrambled for the window ledge, not sure why he was even being so hasty. his parents were too invested in getting their point across to follow him. nonetheless, under the dim light of the early hours, kellin pulled himself and his bag through the window, stumbling towards vic's bedroom with a heavy heart.

"viccy?" kellin asked, landing on his boyfriend's bed and cuddling up to the cold sheets, rubbing the material against his heated cheeks in an attempt to keep his head grounded.

"kells? how come you're here so early?" came vic's voice, as he appeared on the edge of the bed. "parents fighting again?" he asked when he noticed kellin's familiar breathing pattern as one that only his parents could put onto him.

kellin nodded weakly, letting out a long sigh as vic curled up beside him. kellin buried his face in vic's hair, taking comfort in holding his boyfriend there as the sun came up. he wondered if he'd ever have what everyone else seemed to. something stable; something reliable. as consistent as the sunrise. maybe he just wasn't good enough for that.

play song

at least, he figured. even those who appeared to have consistency always seemed to have something to complain about. maybe he was living just as well as they were. maybe his several small problems made up one of their big ones. perhaps he was just destined for something that could never be consistent.

even in this space in time, being curled up in his boyfriend's arms, kellin had never felt so alone. perhaps it was because vic was really separated from kellin by more than death itself. almost as though they could touch, but never truly feel each other. that was the saddest part of all. for these two people so infatuated with each other to never be able to truly be together, everything felt unfair and unjust.

vic could never be consistent like a sunrise. he would always be as sporadic as a storm. kellin could never expect any more for he would always be the anchor, grounding the couple to a less twisted reality.

perhaps their finding each other was a blessing. perhaps it was a curse.

for now, the knowledge that that would be the way things stayed wasn't enough for kellin to give up the hope that even for a second they could feel closer.

maybe they could.

kellin's curiosity and neediness lead him to push this possibility.

with a breathy whisper of 'i need you,' falling from kellin's chapped lips, the two were then tangling together in a completely different way, tongues tied, kellin's clothes discarded, vic's begging to become the centre of attention. only lustful looks were shared as shaky, milk white hands fumbled to remove the torn pastel shirt from an equally as torn boy, revealing his horribly scarred skin. silent conversations with an undertone of consolation came and passed as fast as the sun seemed to fall down the sky.

sweaty, desperation-driven kisses, straddled hips, skin dug into by careless nails, necks rolling back in passion, moans of pleasure and fits of fire were endured as kellin finally felt himself get closer to vic in the way he craved. there were no boundaries between them anymore. their worlds had collided along with their bodies, the deed to their relationship being signed in red ink under the ever-growing moonlight.

what felt like minutes, but could have been hours, came to a gradual end. breathing still heavy, hearts still racing and bodies sensitive, the closeness hastily dulled, reminding the two lovers once more just how alone in the world they were. no more words were exchanged as the two stared out of the window with glistening eyes, wrapped up in one another, trying to think of words to sum up what had happened.

it is useless to try and explain why they couldn't find any; but put simply, vic was dead. kellin was alive. those two things, no matter how you dressed the facts up, always remained polar opposites. although opposites attract, what looks attractive at first is usually bad for you.

but the two were in love.

and that was just something that couldn't be avoided.

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