Chapter One

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It was a cold, chilly night in Vannessa Swarp's house. I glanced at my sister, Autumn, fast asleep. It was weird to see my sister sleeping, all I saw her doing is read, read and read. I hoped I could go to sleep but I couldn't.

My name is Alexander. I ended up in Vannessa Swarp's house because my parents died in a fire. Vanessa Swarp was very surprised when me and Autumn were on the doorstep, well probably not that surprised since she is a foster parent.

The moonlight floor was cluttered by books and dust. I walked over to a book called Space Wonder. I picked it up. It was a thick book with small words, something Autumn would like. I flipped the pages to page 148.

Sirius is the brightest star in which, I wondered about when I was a child...

"Rubbish." I said quietly.

I made up a rumor that Sirius was a planet, which children believed until their teachers corrected them...

The words were slipping through my ears, I caught "Rumor" and "Teacher" but no other words. I tiptoed to my bed and pulled the covers over me. But before that, I saw outside. It was beautiful to see all the lit streets...

"Wake up," someone whispered into my ear ,"WAKE UP!" I opened my eyes to see Vanessa Swarp leaning over me.

"Fine," I said, Vanessa rolled her bloodshot eyes at me. She turned and went down the ladder, her grey messy hair getting even more messy. But as I followed her I noticed that Autumn wasn't in the attic. I went down the ladder to see Autumn at the kitchen table eating porridge. Vanessa Swarp told me to sit and eat. I sat in a black wooden chair, I looked around at the darkness in the kitchen. The windows were not seen behind the heavy black curtains. The house was gloomy, no toys and no entertainment. Well, there were books, but I hate reading. I stared at my porridge, the black bowl was dirty, covered in grape juice. My last dinner was grapes and chips if you are asking. But if you're asking who made it, I made it.

I headed to school with Autumn.

 I wasn't ready for my first day. "Why do I have to be small?" I asked Autumn.

"It's not that bad, being small. You're just a kid, you should be short," she answered, I stared at the ground in rage. I wasn't short as the other kids were, my friend, Justin, is taller than be by 12 inches, and Autumn said that I should be that short! Justin is tall as the average 5 year old, my teacher said I was as tall as a 3 year old, but then she had to tell me that being small was good because I could go through small holes in fences and can fit in boxes even after my friends can't because I started crying.

My teacher was Mrs. L, I can't say my teacher's last name, I think it's like Mrs. Lahvabakauas. Something like that, I can't remember. But I really hate my teacher for that memory that I can't get out of my head even after a summer.

Me and Autumn walked in pure silence, I swear that she was thinking about the awkward conversation. When we arrived at school I finally broke the silence. "Bye, Autumn," As I said this I suddenly wished I didn't. Autumn hugged me so tight I thought she was strangling me, "I'm sorry you're small, Alexander," she whispered. After a full 5 seconds in silence(and strangling) Autumn stopped hugging me. She looked at me with watery eyes. Then, she turned and quickly headed towards her school.

Since I was in elementary school and not in middle school I headed towards my school. When I entered the school I was shoved into a crowd. "Then I was like..." someone said as the crowd turned a corner, "Duuuuuuuuude!!!!" "What happened?" "I visited my grandma during the weekend!" "Did you hear about that thing at the market?" I wanted to say "Quiet!" but I knew that eyes would be rolled, and mouths would spit mean things and how that I'm small. The crowd broke apart when there was a fork in the hallway. I went right with a quarter of the crowd. It was quiet, but as I reached my cubby I was suddenly pushed. I turned around on the floor, it was Jack and his gang.

"What you doin', Poop?" Jack snapped, "I heard he's so small that his mummy can't see him even if he's right in front of her..." whispered someone who was out of the sideways line, with Jack in the middle. "Close your mouth and get in line, Jacob!" barked Jack. Jacob ran to his spot at the end of Jack's "gang" semi-circle.

"Jacob, you know I can punch...Well, Alexander, wait... Where is Alexander, I can't see him!" Jack said, everyone except me was laughing.

"I'm right here Jack!" I shouted.

"What did someone say something?" his gang shrugged, "Ha Ha Ha! You know, I thought I heard a mouse sq-" I felt my temper rising-

"Stop talking! Stop talking!" I yelled in rage.

"Oh, there's Alexander, and he's squealing! Sorry but I don't speak small language!" Jack roared in laughter. The boy named Jacob joined in, "Hello mouse, um... where did he go?" he said. "I don't know!" Jack answered. "Stomp! Stomp!" Jack kicked me in the stomach. I clutched it in pain. "Oh Sorry! I didn't see you!" he roared in laughter. I saw a tall shadow approaching.

"What is the meaning of this? You should be in class by now! Jacob, Henry, Jack, Tom, Dylan and Alexander!" it was the teacher, Mrs. L, oh what I would have given to get out of trouble, probably nothing since I only own clothes, but still I guess that's a expesstin, I learned it from my sister, I think it means... a joke?

As I entered the class with the other people, I saw a quiet class, quite rare since Mrs. L never managed to shut the class up. Oh, and I learned the word "Shut up" when Vanessa Swarp was yelling at a guy in the street who accidentally spilled milk all over Vanessa Swarp, I think I'm on the milk-spiller's side!

Anyways, the class was the different. The blue carpet was on the side right in front of the black board and the desks were in narrow rows, and a seating chart was beside the door, Mrs. L's smooth wood desk was the same colour of the class' chairs. The walls had some posters with said:



The grey walls seemed gloomy than ever since it wasn't cluttered. The grey curtains had been drawn and the lights were off.

Strangely enough Mrs. L didn't enter the class with us. Instead a very pale woman with black hair in a tight bun and with black lipstick came in. "Hello, children." she said, then she looked at the door and back at the class. "Anna, close the door," she suddenly snapped. A girl went up to the door and closed it. "Now," whispering filled the room, she cleared her throat angrily and the whispering stopped as though the everyone was struck by lightning. "I am your new teacher, so call me Miss, or Ma'am. I hope that some people are smart and not lazy because I make sure my students are loaded with homework," she snapped, "Now, I will give you a writing test, and don't complain." After that everyone walked to their desks, glancing at the seating chart.

"Bella, please come here..." she instructed, a girl came to her. The teacher handed her a stack of paper, "There you go, " Bella handed the first row the test paper then continued between the narrow spaces between the blackboard and the desks.

It was 6 hours of this and that, mostly writing spelling tests though. 

Thank you for reading this.

I'm sorry if the script or story is horrible but, this was the YOUNG me.

As for the horizontal lines, I might of copy and pasted from the online copy I made, and tweaked it.

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