Chapter Four

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 It was like any other day, a day in which you dread to get out of bed, a day in which you want to stay home more than any other day.

Autumn seemed to have the same kind of day, but more intense. She cried when Vanessa Swarp told her to go eat. But after 7 minutes of innocent bystanding, Me and Autumn ate together.

Vanessa Swarp was taking this very serious and started yelling Autumn.

"You filthy girl have wasted 7 minutes! 7 minutes! Do you know what I could have done in 7 minutes? The answers are infinite!" She hollered at Autumn. Autumn looked at the vain portrait of Vanessa Swarp.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!" Vanessa slapped Autumn when Autumn looked at her. Autumn looked up at Vanessa Swarp, her face with tears. Then she turned and ran out the door.

I look at this day in tears, I'm so worried about my sister. I have no idea where she is and I want to know. All I want is my sister.

The next day, Vanessa woke me up, with the usual, "Wake up. WAKE UP!" So I went down the ladder in misery, and ate some cereal praying that Autumn would appear today. After that I went to school looking at the rocks and thinking about Autumn.

At school I walked inside, and avoided the crowd. When I reached my cubby I put my blue backpack on the hook and my coat on the hook above the other. When I sat on the ground to put off my shoes when someone kicked me.

"Go away." I said looking at my baby blue shoes, I put on my other sneakers. I looked up when I finished putting on the sneakers. Jack was looking down at me smirking, I was so absorbed in my thoughts about Autumn that I didn't care Jack was towering over me. I was drenched in worry, not about Jack but about Autumn.

Jack smirked again, but found the dignity to go away.

When I entered the classroom I noticed that our new teacher seemed awfully unhappy. She kept glancing at the window, in which there was a old man on a bench. He was staring eagerly at the sea, the fence seemed to be seemed to be the only thing to stop the old man to jump in the sea. I looked back at the classroom, the teacher seemed to be gathering words to say. "Alexander, please take a seat. Okay, everyone read 'Learning ABC' at your desk," she said. Everyone except me was at their desks. Everyone reached in their desks and pulled out a thick copy of "Learning ABC", I took a seat and pulled out of my desk "Learning ABC". I turned to the first page and started to read.

Exactly at 9:35 the bell rang, and the teacher began to give instructions. "Which page is everyone on?" She said sweetly.

I looked down. Oh no. I kept reading the first page over and over. But the class called out number between 5 and 10. I kept quiet, hoping to not get noticed.

"Wonderful!" She called, "Remember, to maintain your reading level you must read at least 5 pages every reading period." Said the teacher sweetly.

"Miss?" I said.

"Yes, Alexander Wheeler?" She asked. "Ma'am I only read 1-" I started.

"What! Alexander Wheeler, do you want to skip recess and stay inside and read!" She screeched. I started to laugh in my head.

"Ma'am I'll try to do expectations next time-" he started again.


"No, miss. No," I answered.

"I HAVE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH! A ESCAPE AT LIM-" she stopped abruptly.

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