Chapter Nine

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I woke up the next morning, excited. "Victoria Johns" thought this was a little suspicious, since I have never been excited for "school" before. Wait- I didn't tell you the plan yet. Me and Autumn will skip school to go to the teleport booth, Once we're at the Police Station we meet up with Old Oliver. Who, teleported there by himself. Then, we search for Victoria John's file. After that we have to escape the police station; Oliver told us we can't teleport back, we have to walk since there is no teleport booth at the Police Station(Old Oliver could have teleported away, but he insisted in walking us to school). I was excited to do this, I always wanted to get back at "Victoria Johns" for abusing me and Autumn.

As me and Autumn walked out of the of the house and headed quickly to Williams street. We walked and walked, occasionally stopping for a break.

"Alexander, I know it isn't part of the plan, but I snuggled some food and water in my backpack, of course I packed my lunch bag but I thought we should have some additional food for the way back from the police station." She admitted.

I smiled, "You made my day, now I know we won't starve on the way back, but couldn't we eat our lunch for school?" I asked.

"Oh no, at school we're going to say we got lost, wouldn't it be suspicious if we ate our lunch and arrived at school with a empty lunch bag?" she explained.

"Oh, I guess." I said. Then I saw it, it was a white and blue modern telephone booth.

"There!" I yelled. Me and Autumn ran towards it. Bunch of people were watching, afterall, kids were running toward nothing, and I heard a snicker. I looked back; Jack was in a moving black truck and was sticking his tongue out at me. I stopped, and looked around me, everyone was laughing and snickering; They turned into Jacks, all laughing and snickering. I watched around me.

"C'mon!" yelled Autumn. But I didn't hear her, I was falling to the ground.

I woke up with Autumn bending over me, and lots of people watching. I heard an ambulance, but I stood up; I grabbed Autumn's hand and we ran to the booth. I felt cold, but I didn't care. The ambulance stopped, and people spilled out of it, running towards me and Autumn. But we were almost faded when something beautiful happened; Jets of light blue erupted from the ground in a circle around the booth.

"Wow." I whispered to Autumn, the nurses tried to go across the jets of light, but the acted like a wall, they fell to the ground in their effort to go across the light.

Then I saw pitch-black, I couldn't see anything; I could only see Autumn. Then the pitch-black formed a empty office with a old man in it. Once me and Autumn could move, we walked towards Old Oliver.

"Autumn, and...? I don't think I ever catched your name..." he said, scratching his head.

"Alexander, remember," I said.

"Let's stop chatting and start searching!" Autumn whispered, we searched the office, but we only found a hammer.

"This could come in handy." I said as I found it.

"Alexander what would we do-," she said as she walked over to me, "Alexander..." She whispered, horrified.

"What?" I asked.

"That, look..." she said pointing to words; It read:

I know you're there

Old Oliver walked over, once he saw what if said he fell on his knees.

"She found me." he whispered.

"Who?" asked Autumn.

"The Ruler of Limbo." He said, horrified.  

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