Chapter Eleven

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 I opened the file, to see a page. It included a picture of a young woman it looked like this:

Birth: January 24, 1967

Death Date: June 18, 1998

Relatives: Vanessa Swarp, Autumn Luna Wheeler, Alexander Harris Wheeler

I froze, transfixed.

"Alexander... You know what this means..." Old Oliver whispered. "You're my son!" Autumn looked at her feet.

"No... NO! This can't be... THIS CAN'T BE!" Autumn moaned. I hugged her, again.

"We'll talk about the whole 'relative' thing after school. For now, let's head to school and admire the information we have now." Autumn and Oliver agreed.

"You don't have to come to school with us, Oliver." Said Autumn to Oliver.

"I insist!" Oliver insisted.

I looked at Autumn, "All right." She groaned.

So really, I was kinda excited to talk about the whole thing after school. Me and Autumn stopped on the way to school and had a piece of bread and some water.

As we reached school I noticed something, what happened to the Ruler of Limbo? Wasn't she a teacher? What will happen? My question was answered as I walked into class, Mrs. L was waiting at "her" desk. I sat down, not fully aware of what Mrs. L would say.

"Hm... Oh Alexander, you're back!" she said this with so much guilt, for she DID torture me... But who cares? At least I'm in one piece! Then I asked her a question.

"What happened to Ms. Smith?" I longed for the answer... What happened to her.

"I cannot say here, Alexander, stay inside for recess and I'll tell you." she said calmly.

"Okay," I looked around, lots of people were whispering and murmuring to the others.

After that she said she was a "substitute" teacher; But I thought she kinda would be a "teacher" not a "substitute" teacher. Anyways, Jack looked at me, suspecting something.

"Why did I see you in MY neighborhood?" he asked.

"I...," I sputtered, thinking of what to say, "Got lost!" He looked at my eyes.

"Liar... LIAR!" he yelled. He ran to punch me, but Mrs. L was quick.

Mrs. L was failing attempting to keep Jack from me, he managed to punch me a few times before I decided to go to the spare desk in the back of the classroom, he tried to run at me as I did so but Mrs. L was at least strong enough to keep him from doing so.

After that everyone pointed at my bruised face, whispering, I even heard Abby in front of me say something: "I like Jack, he really knows how to hurt a loser like Alexander..."


"Alexander..." said Mrs. L, horrified.


Jack laughed, "For you," Mrs. L walked back to her desk; While Jack stood there, laughing.

"Students, this is negative... ALL negative... You aren't the kind boy I met in my first year of teaching, Jack... Alexander... Alexander...?" she snapped. I stopped, I just... Although it did not seem so, but Mrs. L was my favourite teacher... But... She hates me now... Hate... Hate...

I ran out of the classroom, grabbed my backpack and ran out the school doors, there I sat at a bench, crying. I drank some water to shut myself up. I looked at the street, then the schools. I hate my life... I kept saying. Then I headed to Autumn's school, the middle school. There I went into Autumn's classroom, without thinking."Can I talk to Autumn?" I asked, Autumn's teacher, Mr. Lanburg nodded. "Thank you." I said, almost breaking into tears. Autumn's class looked at me, noticing that I just cried. Autumn stood up, her brown wavy hair in front of her face. She put her hair behind her ears and walked outside the classroom.

"What is it? I'm missing a period about the Periodic Table!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, then... I could go home without you..." I tried.

"Oh fine..." she gave in.

"Yes!" I said to myself.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing." I replied. Autumn walked back in class and raised her hand.

"Yes, Autumn?" replied her teacher.

"I have to leave." she answered.

"Why?" asked Mr. Lanburg, Autumn hesitated. She looked at me, and her wavy hair getting in her face again.

"Dentist." I whispered, she nodded at me then faced Mr. Lanburg.

"I have to go to the dentist..." she said. Mr. Lanburg smiled.

"Okie dokie." I loved how he said that instead of "okay", he also gave me a smile too, which was so helpful to my sadness!

Me and Autumn walked out her school, "Why did I have to miss a period about the Periodic Table?" she asked, I laughed then answered.

"Mrs. L-l she hates me..." I said, staring at the sidewalk.

Autumn understood my pain and hugged me, "I knew how much you liked her..." she whispered into my ear. I sobbed. I walked back to school with Autumn. Well... Not walked... She pulled me towards it...

"I don't want to go..." I muttered.

"Come on, Alexander." she whispered.

When we reached my classroom I went inside, everyone pointed at my red eyes saying it was proof I had cried.

Mrs. L walked over to me and bent down, "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yes." I replied, wiping a tear off my cheek.

"Are you sure?," she asked,"Oh, and thank you for returning him, Autumn?"

"Yeah, it's Autumn, his sister," she answered, "I'll be on my way." said Autumn as she walked out.

"Alexander, I'm so sorry." said Mrs. L.

"It's okay! I DID yell."I answered cheerfully.

"Okay, Alexander, you could read maybe... You must have a headache or something." she said. Then I read, calming my headache.

After school Oliver met us at the gates. "What's the last wish, son?" he asked me.

"I want to go... Away... Not just for a little but forever." I said.

"Hm... Let's see... Ahhhh!" He took out a lighter, like the other times.  

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