Chapter Ten

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I looked at the hammer. "No, no. She can't find us... She can't take you back... No no..." I begged, Autumn looked at the wall. Her hand found mine hand and wrapped it around with hers.

"C'mon. Let's go." She said, confident. So we found a door and opened it to see a hallway, we walked across it reading the door signs.


I winced at this sign, then I realized something: There was no other people here rather than us. I noticed another sign.


I winced and holded on Oliver's hand harder, then I saw it, It was like treasure to my eyes!


"Here!" I whispered. Autumn and Oliver took the hint and stopped. We went through the door; There was so many boxes organized by letter. I saw one box full of files, a gold name tag on bore the letter:


"That one!" I said, pointing to the box.

"Yeah!" said Autumn. We dug in it, looking for the file. Anne Blue John, Jessica Helen Jockers, Lucas Kareem Jones, I couldn't find it.

"I can't find it guys." I said.

"Oh no..." Oliver said as he turned around. I turned around too, it was my teacher, she was holding a folder bearing a title of: "Victoria Helen Johnson. Her sickly sweet voice followed.

"Thought you could get out without being caught!?" she seethed. She turned something around and around in her hand. A small pocketknife.

"Oh my god.." I muttered, thinking she was talking about how I skipped school. How did she find me?

"Alexander, she's talking about me." Oliver whispered not taking his eyes of her. What? My teacher was the ruler of Limbo! WHAT!?

"You know it's not a nice thing, to run off without saying anything." She aimed the knife, but it narrowly missed Oliver's neck and stabbed the wall behind him instead.

Oliver smirked. "You're all out."

She pulled out another six from her pocket.

"Don't be so simple," she aimed another knife, but I saw this time she would kill him. I ran and pushed him down.

"You can't kill him."

"Kill? Why he's a ghost! I'm just bringing him home!" This time she aimed for me. I wasn't witty and smart. So I couldn't do anything effective. It stabbed my hand. Blood started seeping from my hand. I started to scream in agony.

"Alexander!" Autumn screamed.

Oliver frowned. "You sure are a monster. Stabbing a kid like that! He ran at her full speed, and the pocket knifes slid across the floor. She didn't have any weapons. But it still hurt.

But then I had an idea.

I looked beside me, a flashlight, perfect. But before I did my plan, I saw a man, a dead man. looked at the hammer. Her handiwork, HERS!

I shined the light on her. Her existence started to fade like all those people's souls.

"See you again." She says it like she's happy.

After she's gone, Autumn cares to my wounds.

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