Chapter Twelve

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"Schooner number 194... For Alexander Harris Wheeler..." he said. Then the same british voice spoke.

"Lantern at Alexander Harris Wheeler's home," I looked at him.

"A lantern?" me and Autumn said at the same time.

"Yeah, bring the lantern to the docks wave it three times and a schoonerd smirked.

"Let's go!" I said, Autumn nodded. Then we ran home.

When we reached the house we realized there was a old, rusty lantern on the doorstep. I picked it up, "Let's do this..." I said. But then Victoria opened the door and she saw Oliver.

".. Am I.. Am I hallucinating?" she asked. Her eyes were on Old Oliver.

"No, Victoria. It's me..." Oliver was going for a moment..

"No, Oliver was dead. Oliver was dead!" She told herself.

"He is dead," blurted out Autumn.

"Oh, Autumn," she smirked, "You know it's way past your bedtime?"

"Shut up, Victoria," she answered.

"You know, Victoria, I always wanted to return the favor." Old Oliver was going to do something.

"Of what?"

"Oh, out of anyone, you should know."

I figure out that there's something in her hand.. Some drink..

I ask Autumn what it is. "It looks like champagne."

"How many drinks have you have?" Oliver asks.

"Seven."She suddenly wobbles, and falls backward.

"OH DEAR GOD!" Autumn yelled. She inspects her, like checking her temperature, and well, then she rolls her body to the side so can go inside.

"Me and Alexander are going down to the docks."

"Clothes and books..." She ventures inside.

"Get my clothes too while you're at it, too." I teased, Oliver laughed. "I mean seriously." Autumn nodded. While she was gone me and Oliver examined the lanturn. I noticed there was words on it.

Schooner 194

Hope is never lost

I gazed at it. "Hm..." I said. Oliver looked out on the sea, I noticed a figure walking towards us with black suitcases. "She's here." I said to Oliver, he nodded.

"Where you get the wonderful suitcases?" I joked, Autumn laughed.

"Victoria's." she explained. I took out the lantern.

"Ready?" asked Oliver. Me and Autumn glanced at him; We nodded. He slowly waved the lantern three times, a schooner appeared slowly.

"Hello, passengers!" said someone from the schooner, as it got more closer I noticed it was a man in something a caption would wear. "Hm... Now, you have the whole schooner to yourselfs, but not the sailer room. I mean you could peek into it but don't go into it." he said.

"Cool!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! Um... Do you have a bookcase?" she asked.

"Oh course, my lady!" he said. Autumn blushed.

"Why, thank you! Autumn spoke.

"Sorry, don't speak French," he said. Autumn frowned. I laughed with Oliver. "Anyways, where to?"

"Hm... London?" Oliver asked me and Autumn, we nodded.

After that we had a TON of fun! Autumn read all the books in the HUGE library(Don't ask me HOW she managed that but she did) and I? I spent quality time with Oliver, but I was not prepared for what happened next.

"Dad, why do you know so much about ghosts and the wishes and stuff?" I asked him, he looked onto the sea.

 He started to fade. "WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" I screamed.

"I do not belong here! I belong in the mist, where the darkness is the light, the light is the key,-"

"NO! Don't even start with that!"

"I have to, Alexander. I'm just a ghost here. Just remember me as an old guy called Old Oliver that's actually your dad."

He sneaked a smile. My tears flew away in the wind, but I could still feel them, but not Oliver's hand.

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