Chapter Three

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Me and Autumn finally reached home, or well, Vanessa Swarp's home. As we entered the door we noticed she on the couch with another lady.

"You stole the oranges! You filthy children!" Vanessa yelled at us.

"Vanessa! We mustn't jump to conclusions!" the lady put her hands up as if to say, stop Vanessa. Vanessa frowned at this.

"What! These children are very clever! Stealing oranges without any evidence that it was them would be easy for them!" Vanessa answered. 

"Let's talk about this, Vanessa. Now you two can head into your rooms." I couldn't blame her for not knowing that me and Autumn's bedroom was the attic. As I headed to the ladder I wondered about the market. The police here were good, Justin once told me that the police had caught a murderer in a day and a half, Justin knew this since his dad is a police officer.

But before we left, I caught a glimpse of 

I climbed the ladder after Autumn did. She walked across the floor to the window.

"Come here." she whispered. I obeyed but still cautiously, she pointed at the window. I looked at the window, a car stopped suddenly and a man entered the back door, then a car was going the opposite way on the same lane, I stared, then glanced at Autumn for help on what to say. She nodded towards the window and we watched how close they were, 7 meters, 6 meters, 5 meters, 4 meters, 3 meters, 2 meters, 1 meter, I closed my eyes...

BANG. I looked out to see fire and two broken cars. A young man exited the crashed car's back door, uninjured. A man could be seen in the front whose eyes were closed, he didn't open them because an air bag was covering his whole face. I could see some blood, I turned away.

"Wow, this guy, first he robbed the markets without any evidence and now he exited the back of a crashed car without scratches. I hope I get this guy's autograph." Autumn joked, we both laughed.

"I'm just joking of course." she said worriedly.

We spent the hour holding each other's hands. Autumn updated me on what happened.

"An ambulance arrived.."

We watched him being carried onto an ambulance.

They drove away.

We started to fall asleep.

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