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I look around and I see all these people here at this school, yet none of them know.
Nor will they ever.

Hi, I'm Santana! I've survived seventeen years of life and made it to a senior in high school. I'm just your average popular girl with the supposed "hot bod". You just gotta love guys (Not).

I have tan skin, average height, with wavy, long cocoa hair and chocolatey brown eyes. Just normal, I don't see the big whoop. Anyways this the story of my life... or hell. You decide in the end...

"God I absolutely hate Mondays." I groaned out as I chatted with my friends. We were the in crowd. You wanted to be with us. Except it wasn't all that great, because most of the girls were just my friend to get laid or be popular. I didn't really have any real friends.

"Yeah, we know." They all rolled their eyes at me. I say that a lot, along with Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Sometimes I even add in a Friday. You know just to rattle things up.

Rose, the boy obsessed one, I mean this girl has a problem. She's slept with almost all the guys, and still fantasies over more. Like, chill girl. You don't got to be a bunny every night.

Anyway, she squeals, "Omg, looky at the newbie! Omg I'm so going to die! So hot!"  She points at a boy standing  in the middle of the hallway looking lost. I mean he was cute...

He had the blackest hair that fell over is eyes like air. He was tall maybe 6'1, and built. I mean football worthy built.  Maybe coach will pounce on him to be on the team. I could tell he worked out from here. He was wearing a worn black, leather jacket and ripped, black jeans. He had this bad boy presence around him that was... intriguing.

"Omg, we have to talk to him! No we can't!" It was all jumbled. Yes and no, gos and stays, blurred the conversation. "Come on guys, I'll go." And with that I walked over to the newbie.

So yeah, I walk up to him, but it was different. I kinda felt nervous and excited... I did not adore this feeling. It felt weird, like evil butterflies were eating away the inside of my stomach slowly. I felt like total girly girl.

Oh no! Could I be crushing? Nah, I haven't talk to him yet, but this feeling... Whatever, it's probably that minimart sandwich I ate for breakfast.

I walked over to where he was, but he was facing the other direction. Figures, it can never not be awkward. No, it always has to be awkward with me.

I cleared my throat, and he twisted around, "What do you want?" He practically spat at me. Ok, that was rude, but since I'm a nice person I'll just ignore it. "Hi, I'm Santana! Do you need help?" I said happily. "Did I ask for your name? No I don't think so, so piss out spoiled brat." He replied like nothing.

Ok, that's enough, I'm so not taking this shit today! If he thinks he can talk to me likes he knows me, screw up right there. Nobody knows me. Certainly not a jerk like him!

"Ok, I don't know what your fucking problem is, but you can't go around talking like that to people who you don't even know!" I replied angrily. He just laughed "I didn't want to know you anyways, I know your kind. Spoiled little rich girls, who's daddy's piles them with expensive things."

Ok, that may sound correct because I'm "popular", but my dad doesn't spoil me, you'll find out later. What I have I bought with the money I earned. My dad doesn't buy me things, especially expensive things.

"Oh! So I'm spoiled! Guess what, you don't know me! Nobody knows me!" I hissed before I turned tail and walked off, pissed.

This day couldn't get any worst. Sadly, I wish that was all that would happen. Cause boy was I wrong. Oh so wrong...

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