After Wars

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I woke up from my nice nap... Wait, nap? I never have time for naps, between cleaning and school. I open my eyes, I was in a rather uncomfortable hospital bed.

I looked around the bare room, and the first thing I saw was something I did not expect. Alex was sitting in a uncomfortable looking chair, staring off into space.

He looked, how do I say this nicely... Awful. His usually long black hair was a black mess, with strands sticking out everywhere. His clothes were wrinkles, dirty, and the same clothes he wore the day of the incident. I think the worst was his face though.

His usually dark, mysterious eyes were still dark, but tired. Stubble was growing on his face; it's looks like he hasn't shaved in awhile.

"Alex?" I croaked, my throat dry. He whirled his head toward me, and leaped up out of the chair. "Santana! Oh my god! Do you feel alright? Do I need to call the nurse?"I blinked. What was the big whoop? I just took a nap after the accident "Yeah I'm fine. How long was I out? A few hours?"

He looked down sadly "Three days you wouldn't wake up."
Three days!? No, no, no, no, no my dad is going to freak! Oh my god, I need to get out now!

"I need to go,right now! Where's the release papers, or something! I need to get home!" I was totally freaking out. "Woah, Santana calm down! You need to stay until your ankle heals. I already talked to your dad, you're good, he understands, he just wants you to get better."


He wants me better, yes, so he can beat me more! I started to unplug all the cables connected to me, with only one thought in mind. I have to get home soon.

"Santana! Sit your ass down!" I stood up, and wobbled a bit before regaining my balance. "I need to get home now! Find me those damn release papers!"

He muttered fine or something and left the room. He came back awhile later, looking worried. "You can go home now, but you have to take it easy and wear your cast for another 5 weeks. I'm going to ride you home, ok?" I nodded fine, and we limped out of the building to his motorcycle. He helped me on and told me to hold tight, and we were off.

The whole time I thought about what awful ways my dad would torture me. Would it be no food for a week? Or would he just beat the living day lights out of me and be done? Who knows anymore. As thought more about it as we pulled up to the drive way. Alex helped me down, and I limped into the house.

I flicked on the switch after shutting the door, just to see him sitting in the chair. The worst part was that he was still in his uniform. I'm about to get beat by a man still in uniform. "So the little whore got hurt eh? Slutting around wasn't good enough was it? What do you think the house gets clean by itself? To top it all off you had to have one of your customers tell me. How many times do you fuck him? Weekly? Daily?"

I tried to break for my room, but I couldn't make it. His punches rained down on me without mercy. He punched my cheek leaving a nasty cut I could tell. He kept saying "I wish you died instead of your mother, you deserve to die". After about an hour of him abusing me, he delivered the final kick, and walked off leaving me gasping for air. I couldn't even crawl off it hurt that much.

I eventually stood up, and limped out of the house with tears flowing down my face. I rushed out of town, and deep into the woods. I didn't stop until I got to my destination.

The waterfall.

There was a simply beautiful, fresh waterfall streaming from cracks in the rocks. There was a small pond at the bottom of it, that just shined in the warm sunlight. You could see the bottom of the pond for about fifteen feet.

As far as I know, no creatures live there. I'm the only one whose knows about the waterfall, no one else has touched it, I think. I mean, it's pretty deep in the forests, divided from the rest of the world. I have never seen anybody else even close to this area, and I like it that way.

I laid down on the shore and let the warmth of the fall sun seep into my bones. In with the sun, out with the pain. I closed my eyes, allowing my tears to dry on my cheeks. I didn't care what I looked like out here... I was free. I fell asleep sitting on that shore. I never heard the twigs snap behind me.

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