Uh oh...

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I felt rain splatter on my body. Wait, rain? I shot my eyes open to see a very serious face staring back at me. Alex. I let out a scream.  "Shut up San! It's only me!" What do I do? What does he want? How did he get here? Will he hurt me?

I couldn't think straight, I didn't put on concealer yet. All my bruises and cuts were out in the open. "Jesus San! Who did that to your face?! Santana, What the fuck happened?! You damn well better tell me!" He was screaming at me.

I couldn't handle it, so I stood up, aimed to run when he grabbed my wrist firmly, not enough to hurt.  "Santana! Tell me already!" His screaming horrified me to the very pit of my bones.

I ripped my arm away and pushed him away roughly. I pushed him. Oh dear god, save me please. I felt my jaw drop open, and tears fell from my eyes. "I-I'm s-sorry, just l-leave me alone, p-please." I limped as fast as I could back to my house leaving him back at the waterfall.

Alex's POV
Her face. Those bruises. I could tell that someone did it by the knuckle marks. I swear to god, I'll kill whoever did that to her. They. Will. Regret. Hurting. Her.

Back to Santana's POV

When I got home nobody was awake. I walked up the stairs into my room and changed into pjs. Dear god, today was hectic. I fell asleep with the thought of what I would do tomorrow at school.

I woke up, and automatically put on my concealer. It became a habit, to always put on concealer, like a shirt or something. It was apart of me, sadly. I ate breakfast, and left the hellhole I called home. It's sad really, how I call it home, when nothing about it is homely. The welcome mat might as well say pain.

My ankle hurt, I was putting way to much strain on it. Ugh I just want a damn car right now. Or better, parents that cared! No, too much to wish for.

I was down the block when I heard a rumble behind me. I saw Alex pull up next to me, with that good ole motorcycle, I didn't feel the need to stop. "Want a ride? Your ankle must be killin you. Never mind, you're getting on either way."

Alex parked the motorcycle, and offered his hand to help me on. I weighed my options, go and get a ride, or stay and walk in pain. It was obvious. I glared at him, but I took his hand and swung my leg around. We rode in silence the whole way, an awkward one just FYI.

We finally reached the school, or shithole, your choice. Alex helped me down again, but didn't let go of my hand. "Umm, you can let go now." I said matter of factly "Please, I'm sorry if I scared you. Just please forgive me." His eyes pleaded with me. You know me, life is too short to hold grudges.

"Fine I forgive you. Just please don't yell at me again. I'm super sorry for shoving you too." We looked at each other, and a smile cracked on his face.

We started to walk toward our class when Alex said "I'm riding you to and from school from now on ok?" Ok, that was one of the nicest things somebody has ever offered me. I know it's not much but still... "Ok, fine" was all I could say. "Really you'll let me? Jeez I thought there would be more of an argument" we entered class, and throughout the day it was one of the best.

Until it was time to get home.... It all went down hill from there...

Screams of the Lost and FoundOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz