Ravine Learning for Beginners

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Alex's POV

She broke off by herself down trail, "Stupid girl, she'll get lost." I muttered to myself. So I broke off a little ways after her, and I saw somebody I really hate run off in front of me.  Maybe really hate isn't strong enough, more like fucking despise.


I picked up a little speed to catch up, but then it happened.

He fucking pushed her down the ravine.

Santana let out a heart wrenching scream as she disappeared into the brush. I didn't think twice...

I jumped in after her.

Back to Santana's POV

I tumbled breaking twigs against my skin. I tried to tuck and roll, but I couldn't. Rocks dug into my arms and legs, forcing me to let out another scream of pain.

I tumbled down a little farther, then I hit my head against a boulder. Hard. Terribly hard. It gets worst, trust me.

I tumbled a little further, and my ankle caught against a root, breaking it. I eventually got to the bottom, but damn, the pain was... Excruciating. I let out a whimper hoping someone, anyone could hear me. A wave of pain crashed into me leaving me gasping for air and clenching my teeth,

I heard someone slide down the ravine. It's Sean coming to finish me off, isn't it? Please god why me? "Santana! Where are you?!"

Alex! He's here! I tried to speak, but all that came out was a whimper. God, it hurt worst than the beatings. I saw him, and he looked like heaven, like an bad boy angel sent down to help me.

Sadly, I don't believe God cares enough to send one of his angels to help me. I believe he's up there yes, I just don't believe God cares. I mean, if he cared he wouldn't have put me in a abusive home. Abuse was I ever knew. Abuse is all I ever know.

"Santana, oh god! I'm here don't worry." He looked honestly worried. "Alex?" Was all I could choke out. I felt the pain slow done slightly allowing my tears to escape.

"Don't cry. We'll get out of this, I promise." He said wiping a tear off my cheek.

"I'm... Tired" I muttered, and he swore under his breath. He started to rip off strips of his shirt, and man, them abs. He started to wrap the strips around my gashes and major cuts. I felt a little better, enough I could talk anyway. "I'm sorry... So much." I choked out. "Shut up, you don't need to be sorry. I should've hospitalized him when I had the chance. It's my fault." He said it so sadly.

I absolutely hate when people say it's their fault when something happens to me. Like when people run into me in the hallway, it's my fault. It's always going to be my fault. Blame is a strong word I know to well in my house.

" No it's... Not." I yawned. "I'm going take a nap. I'm ok, I'm fine." I closed my eyes, and I felt Alex slap me awake. " I'm sorry but I have to keep you awake, you probably have a concussion. If you fall asleep you'll never wake up. The world couldn't afford to lose a pretty girl like you" he blinked "Yeah so, lets do a little small talk while I carry you up to the path." Wait, carry me?

"Umm, I can...walk by myself" I stand up, or at least try to. I fell down almost immediately though, right into to his arms. "See, I got you San. Besides you don't look that heavy, at least I hope." He winks at me in his arms.

"Fine, but if you drop me and I die, I will personally haunt you forever. Trust me on that." He broke into a smile. God, he was so handsome.

He started to trudge up the ravine, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I wasn't about to fall in case he does. "So umm, where do you live?" He was struggling, it was kinda funny. Let's mess with this.

"Oh, so you want to know where I live so you can stalk me?" I said with a total straight face. "God no! I mean, you're very pretty, and I bet somebody would love to be with you. I mean, ugh I should just shut up, shouldn't I?" I crack a smile.

"I live on  Milard Street. The big white one." I weighed the consequences. He wouldn't come by my house, at least I hope not. "You're joking right? You don't really live there, do you?" Why did he think I was joking? "Yeah why would I be joking? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong, I live on Milard Street too. You know that apartment. Yeah, that's me." So he was the motorcycle neighbor. "Oh! Really! That's funny, I think. So you were already stalking me? Hmm, not creepy at all." I was feeling a little better, but still as sleepy.

"No! At least I hope not, that would be creepy. Here, we're on the trail, do you think you can lean on me?"
"Yeah I think I can"

We limped in silence for awhile, I trip a couple times, but he just stood up straight so I could get my balance again. Pain still shot up my ankle, across my legs, but I felt better knowing I would actually live. Death felt so real then, terrifyingly close.

I heard voices, and suddenly I was surrounded by people. Alex switched me over to the teacher, and they called an ambulance. I sat awhile in the back of the ambulance, waiting. They had to some paper work, or some shitzle. I had one thing in my mind.

Sweet revenge.

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