Chapter 4

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{sorry for such a late update. I totally forgot today was Wednesday}

It's the next day and Mallory isn't home. She was at her friend's house for a play date. At about 1:30pm I hear Peyton's truck stop at the corner near my house. He is probably serving other kids. I'm not going to go outside because Mallory isn't here and I'm not buying ice cream. About 5 minutes later he texts me.

Peyton: Does Mallory want ice cream?
Me: She isn't home right now. She is at her friend's house.
Peyton: Come out. I want to see you.
Me: Fine. I didn't plan on it but I'll be out in 2 minutes.

I go outside and go up to his truck and no one was there. I guess he finished.

"Hey" I say.

"Hi" He says back and opens the door to his truck and I get in. He sits in the drivers seat and I sit in the passenger seat.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask.

"I was thinking you could come with me around the neighborhood today" He says.

"Sure I would rather hang out with you then stay at home alone" I say.

He starts the truck and we get to the next street over from mine.

He stops at the corner and there are about 4 kids waiting for him. He gets out his seat and goes to the window. I get up and stand near him but not like I'm the window.

About 15 minutes later he finishes all the kids orders. About 2 minutes in I got bored from watching him and went to sit in the passengers seat and listen to the radio.

We went over to the next street. This is the street where Mallory's friend lives.

He stops at his usual spot on the street and about 6 kids come out. Mallory and her friend, Madison being two of them. Peyton starts serving the first kid on line.

"Sabrina, what are you doing in there" Mallory says loudly.

"I got bored and the ice cream man let me come with him for the day" I say.

"Can we come in?" Madison asks.

"I don't think that is a good idea. I don't think your mommy would want you going into a strangers car" I say.

"Ok" She says.

The girls were on line next.

"Hi Mallory. What do you girls want today?" Peyton asks.

"Can I have a vanilla with colored sprinkles please?" Madison asks

"And can I have a strawberry with colored sprinkles please" Mallory asks.

"Sure." He says and starts making Mallory's. he finishes it and hands it to her.

"I'm guessing you really like strawberry" He says to her.

"No I just really like pink" She says.

He laughs a little then starts making Madison's. He finishes and gives her the ice cream.

"Thank you" Madison says and hands him the money.

"Your welcome" He says and gives her back the change.

They both go inside Madison's house.
He finishes serving the rest of the kids and about 7 minutes later he goes back to the drivers seat and I am already in the passengers seat. We go to about 3 more streets then he says he is done for the day.

"Do you want me to drop you off at your house?" He asks.

"Sure. Sarah and Mallory should be home by now" I say

"Ok" He says. Then starts the truck and drives me home.

We get to my house and he stops right in front of my house.

"I totally forgot. What's your last name?" I ask

"Meyer. Why?" He asks.

"Sarah yelled at me because I didn't know your last name. Mines Carpenter by the way" I say and get out of the truck. He rolls down the window.

"See you soon Sabrina Carpenter" He says.

"See you tomorrow Peyton Meyer" I say back.

I go inside and Mallory is in the living room waiting for me.

"You said next time I could come with you to the ice cream man" She says to me.

"I know but you weren't home. You can come tomorrow, ok?" I say.

"Ok" She says and goes back to watching tv.
I go upstairs and go into me and Sarah's room.

"Were you with the ice cream man?" She asks when I walk in. Why does no one in this family say hi or something.

"Yes" I say

"Did you at least find out his last name?" She asks.

"Yeah. It's Meyer" I say.

"Cool" She says. She obviously doesn't care.
The rest of the day I pretty much did nothing interesting.

The Ice Cream Man {Peybrina} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now