Chapter 5

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{I wrote a new Peyrah story called "Fate". If you guys want you can read it}

Today I am letting Mallory come with me when I go for a ride with Peyton. I think Sarah wants to come too. Right now it is 1:30 so he should be coming around soon.

About 10 minutes later we here his song come.
"Come on Sabrina! Your boyfriend, the ice cream man is here" Mallory yells and runs out the door.

"I wish" I mumble and start walking out the door.

Before I could leave Sarah stopped me. "Hold on. I'm coming" She says.

"Ok. Let's go" I say and we walk out the door.

We go outside and Mallory is already at the truck talking to him. Surprisingly no one was out today. Me and Sarah go and stand next to her.

"Oh good your here. I thought you weren't going to come out today" Peyton says to me.

"Well now I'm here" I say.

"Who's this?" Peyton's asks looking at Sarah.

"This is Sarah my older sister" I say

"Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you" Peyton's says.

"Nice to meet you too" She says.

"So Mallory, do you want strawberry again today?" Peyton asks.

"I think I am going to switch just for today and get vanilla and colored sprinkles" She says.

"Ok. Coming right up" He says and starts making it. About 2 minutes later he finishes and hands it to her. She hands him the money because last night she told me she wanted to be a "big girl" and give him the money all by here self.

"Thank you" He says then gives her back the change.

"Your welcome" She says.

"So are you coming for a ride today?" Peyton asks me. I guess it is a thing between him and me now.

"Sure but they want to come too" I say and point to Sarah and Mallory. "That's the only reason Sarah is out here" I finish.

"They can come too" Peyton says.

"Yay!" Mallory says very excitedly.

Peyton opens the door and all three of us walk in. I sit in my usual passengers seat. Mallory and Sarah sit in the two other seats he has behind them and Peyton sits in the drivers seat.

He drives to the next block and he parks the truck where he normally does. He gets up and starts giving the kids there ice cream.

"So this is all you do? You just sit him while he drives around and serves ice cream" Sarah asks

"No. We normally talk a lot. I guess we aren't because you two are here. The first time I went out with him we drove around town for about a half an hour" I say.

"It seems boring. You should talk to him outside of the truck if you want to date him" Sarah says.

"Shut up Sarah. He is probably listening" I say in a whisper.

After Peyton finishes with the serving ice cream we go to the next street. By this time Mallory was getting pretty bored because she finished her ice cream and had nothing else to do.

Once he finished the next street Mallory just wanted to go home. So Peyton drove me, Sarah and Mallory home.

"Bye Peyton" Mallory and Sarah say and they leave the truck.

"Bye Peyton. Thank you" I say once they leave.

"Your welcome. I'm sorry it wasn't fun today" He says.

"It's ok. It's not your fault. It's just because Mallory and Sarah were here" I say.

"I know. Bye Sabrina" He says and I leave the truck.

Me, Sarah and Mallory go inside our house.

"That was so boring. I'm never going to do it again" Sarah says.

"Me either" Mallory says.

"It was only boring because you two were there" I say.

"I thought I would sit there and eat ice cream all day but I was wrong" Mallory says.

"Then don't come next time" I say.

"I'm not" Mallory says.

The Ice Cream Man {Peybrina} (Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum