Chapter 14

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Last day of summer:

Peyton is going around in his truck and me and Mallory go outside and go into his truck like we normally do.

Him and the little boy he was serving were talking.

"Why didn't you come yesterday?" The little boy asks.

"I was at Disneyland for my girlfriends birthday" He says.

"Ok" The little boy says and Peyton hands him his ice cream. Then the little boy hands Peyton the money.

"See you next summer" Peyton says.

"Bye. Thank you" The little boy says and walks away.

"Hey" Peyton says to me and Mallory.

"Hi" We both say back.

"What do you want?" He asks Mallory.

"Vanilla" She says then pauses for a second. "No strawberry"

"How about a swirl the two together" He says.

"Yeah. That sounds good" She says.

He starts putting the ice cream in the cone then asks "Rainbow sprinkles?"

"Yeah!" She says.

He finishes it then hands it to her.

"Thank you" She says.

"Your welcome" He says. Then Mallory leaves and goes back inside.

"Last day" I say.

"I know. I'm gonna miss it but there's always next summer" He says.

"Ready for school?" I ask.

"Nope" He says.

"Me either" I say.

"What should we do today?" He asks.

"Want to make a camp fire at my house later?" I ask.

"Yeah. That sounds fun" He says.

"Ok. Want to come over at like 7?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'll see you then" He says.

"Bye" I say.

"Bye" He says and I go back inside.

"Peyton's coming over later and we are making a fire" I tell Mallory and Sarah.

"Can we roast marshmallows and make s'mores?" Mallory asks.

"Yeah. We have none of the ingredients though" I say.

"I'll take her to the store to get some" Sarah says.

"Ok" I say. They both get up and go to the door.

"Pray for me" Mallory says because she hates Sarah's driving.

"I will" I say.


My parent got home from work about 2 hours ago and Peyton just got here.

Mallory and Sarah got everything we needed for s'mores. So we are ready.

My dad is outside now making the fire in the fire pit we have.

After the fire was made we were all sitting around the fire and me, Peyton, Sarah and Mallory started roasting marshmallows.

"I don't want summer to end" Mallory says.

"Me either" I say.

"I can't wait for you guys to go back to school. I get the whole house to myself everyday" Sarah says.

"Your gonna get a job" My mom says.

"No I'm not" She says.

"Then your going to college" My dad says.

"I'm not doing that either. I'm just going to marry a rich guy" She says and Mallory laughs.

"Whatever you say" My dad says. He knows he can't win with her.

"Can I get a job?" Mallory asks.

"What do you need money for?" My dad asks.

"Money to buy ice cream" She says.

"Why? I give to to you for free" Peyton says.

"Yes except the ice cream truck isn't coming around for the next 10 months so I have to go to the ice cream shop to get it" She says.

"Sarah can take you. Maybe she will find a ice cream scooper boyfriend" I say.

"Maybe his name will be Peyton too" Sarah says.

"I'm not going in the car everyday with Sarah." Mallory says.

"Good. Saves me time and money" Sarah says.

The rest of the night we all talked and roasted marshmallows. At about 10 Peyton went home and I went to bed. Tomorrow's the first day of school.

The Ice Cream Man {Peybrina} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now