Chapter 7

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Rain, the worst thing in the world for me. Don't get me wrong I love the rain but just not today.
It hasn't rained all summer but today it is pouring and pouring. Rain is one thing that doesn't make the ice cream man come around and knowing the California rain it's not going to stop raining for days.

{For those of you that don't know, in California it like never rains which I think is ones of the causes of the drought there. But when it does rain in California is rains for days sometimes even a week or two. Then after it's so wet that there are mud slides and the ground moves and stuff}

So yeah I probably won't see Peyton for a little while. I guess it's not too bad since we see each other everyday and people sometimes need a break from each other.

I'm sitting in my room looking out the window watching this rain since I'm really bored and someone knocks on the door.

"I'll get it" I heard Sarah yell.

About 2 minutes later she yells "Sabrina, your boyfriend is here"

"I don't have a boyfriend" I yell back. Then it hit me, I knew who she was talking about. I get up as quickly as I can and run down to the door and push Sarah out of the way.

"Hi Peyton" I say.

"Hi Sabrina" He says back.

"Why are you here?" I ask

"Just to see you" He says. "Want to go out somewhere?" He asks.

"Sure" I say and we both walk out.

I go outside and we go into his regular car.

"Want to go get something to eat?" He asks.

"Sure" I say.

We decide on going to In And Out to eat. We get there and order our food and then sit down and wait for it to come.

We talked for and little bit and ate. It was nice to get to talk outside of the truck for the first time ever. We finish our food and go back to his car.

"Thank you" I say.

"Your welcome" He says then drives me home.

When we get to my house Mallory is waiting by the front door

"Do you have any ice cream?" Mallory asks after she comes up to his window.

"Not today. I'll bring some tomorrow" Peyton says

"Ok" She says.

"You two should get inside. It's pouring" He says.

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow" I say.

"Bye" Mallory says and we both go inside.

"How was your date with the ice cream man?" Mallory asks.

"It wasn't a date" I say.

"It so was a date" Sarah says and comes into the living room.

"No it wasn't. We just went to eat then he dropped my off" I say.

"It's a unofficial date" She says.

"Whatever" I say and go to my room.

The Ice Cream Man {Peybrina} (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora