Chapter 12

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Today I am meeting Peyton's parents. He asked me yesterday to come over for dinner and I said yes. This is also the first time I am going over to his house.

He told me to come over at 4 so that's what I did. Sarah dropped me off and I went up and knocked on the door.

Peyton opens it and he says, "Hi" and lets me in.

"Hi" I say and walk in.

"Mom, Dad, this is Sabrina my girlfriend" Peyton's says.

"Hi Sabrina it's nice to meet you" His dad says.

"Hi Sabrina. We have heard so much about you" His mom says.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you too" I say.

"Come on. I'll show you around the house" Peyton says.

"Ok" I say.

"This is the living room" He says. Then we walk into the kitchen and dinning room area. "This is the kitchen and dinning room"

After that we go upstairs. "This is my mom and dad's room and then my room and a guest room" He says.

"I like it" I say.

"Thank you" He says.

"Dinners ready" His mom calls.

"Coming" Peyton yells back.

Me and Peyton go downstairs and sit at the table.

Then his parents come over and sit at the table.

We all start getting food and putting it on our plates.

"So Sabrina, what grade are you going into?" His dad asks.

"Going into 12th" I say.

"Just like Peyton" His mom says.

"Peyton says you have siblings. What's there names?" His mom says.

"I have 2 sisters. One is named Sarah and she is 19 years old. Then I have a younger sister named Mallory and she is 8" I say.

"That's how we met. Mallory has a ice cream obsession and gets it everyday" Peyton says.

So the rest of the time we were eating and just talking. Peyton's parents asked me a few more questions about myself to get to know me.

So me and Peyton hung out for a little bit in his living room. Then Peyton walked me out since my dad came to pick me up.

"Thanks for letting me come over" I say

"Your welcome. Thanks for coming" He says.

"Your welcome. I'll see you tomorrow" I say.

"Bye" He says.

Then I get in my dads car and go home.

The Ice Cream Man {Peybrina} (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora