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So in this you have a sister named Racheal. (sry but the irl friend had a sister and that sister wanted to be in this, and now she's a major part of the plot) U and ur sis are good friends and both members of the YJ fandom. And finally, for this FF I'm not really trying as hard for either the chapter length or depth of plot. Frankly, this was written for my friend cause she no longer is allowed on Wattpad, and since I'm working on another YJ fanfic which will be posted after I have a few more chapters written, I'm not bothering with this one too much.

A certain teenager scrambled for cover, barely able to stand due to the violent quaking under her feet. Y/n leaned against a wall for support and searched frantically for Racheal, her little sister who she was supposed to be watching before the earthquake struck.

After a minute of walking, Y/n's gaze landed on the unconscious body of her sister. She stumbled over and checked Racheal's pulse to confirm her suspicions about her only being unconscious, and to her delight, she was correct.

The quakes once again resumed and a loud rumbling was heard. Small bits of concrete landed on the two girls, and to their horror, Y/n saw that the building was collapsing.

Y/n knew they couldn't escape. Not together, anyway. So she did the first thing she could think of, and leaned over her sister's body, hoping that she would take the brunt of the damage.

Short, I know, but this book will come out hopefully much more often. Plus chapters look a lot longer in my notebook.

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