Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV

"Well that's what they call me," Robin replies with a slight chuckle.

"Then that means..." I look at the other teens once again, and recognize them as the other members of Young Justice. "But... this is impossible --not that I'm complaining or anything-- but..."

"Why would it be impossible to be seeing us?" Miss Martian questioned.

"Oh right, of course you would't know. I did just get here after all." I reply. "Um... to put it simply... I am from another world. Uh, oh wait, you have martians and all so... Let me rephrase that. I'm from another dimension."

The team looked at me with disbelieving faces before I finally remembered basic rules of dimension traveling I learned from fanfics. "Oh right, I probably need to tell you stuff about yourselves. Uh, so in my world you all are just characters in comics and shows, but I fell in love with the series and I know you all better than you know each other. For example, your names, more or less of your backstories, your darkest secrets, and so on."

The team looked between each other and continued to stare for a while. "You know, if you're gonna use the mind link, you can try being more subtle about it." I absentmindedly told. 

Startled looks washed over their features, but I paid no mind and continued. "Well it's fine. I can understand, I mean I just appeared out of nowhere. Uh, so I'm just gonna start listing stuff. Wally West, Kaldur'ahm, Conner Kent, M'gann M'orzz or Megan Morse, whichever you prefer. Sound familiar? I could list the other two, but I know why I shouldn't. You're welcome."

Young Justice looked at each other, giving a quick nod before Robin spoke up. "We're not sure about much of this concerning you, so we're taking you back for interrogation," he said, taking a thick blindfold out of his utility belt.

"Wow, you really do have everything in your utility belt," I mumble." Um, anyway, the blindfold isn't necessary. I already know your base is in Mount Justice, unless you're talking about the Watch Tower, of course, so it won't really make a difference."

The way even Robin froze for a second expressed their utter shock, but they continued putting it on and led me away.

So idk why but I'm thinking of making an Alfred fanfiction. Like, literally just about the awesomeness of Alfred. idk, I don't really have any plot in mind, but I just kinda wanna write one.

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