Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV

"I mean, it's nice to meet the League and all, even if this is a dream, but I'm no threat. I don't mind if you ask J'onn to like, scan my memories or whatever, but where I'm from your identities are common knowledge," I stated.

The next three hours were for certain the strangest of my life. I attempted to explain that I was either dreaming or from another dimension; Martian Manhunter scanning me the whole time and constantly assuring the others that I was telling the truth; Flash interrupting to ask questions every five seconds.

It's all so strange, and I'm surprised I haven't woken up yet, but at the same time it's all so wonderful. My heroes, the ones who through a screen made me laugh and smile when no 'real' other person could are in the same room as me. Talking to me. Sure they thought I might be a spy or something, but I'm talking to my idols. And they're talking back!

"So we've confirmed she's not an enemy, but what exactly do we do with her?" Green Arrow asks.

"Hmm, well," I stop myself and pinch my arm with much force. "Ow. Okay, yeah, not a dream. Well if I apparently did travel dimensions like you all suppose, I guess I'm homeless now. Wait!" I interject, getting all of their attention. "According to the multiverse theory and whatnot, everyone has a doppelganger, which means there's a Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen where I'm from! I am so checking that out when I get back!" I start fangirling, and by now they probably think I'm crazy.

"Batman, you found her, you keep her," Flash declared.

"Technically the Team actually found her," the unwilling vigilante corrected.

"Well the team is like your children, so it still goes to you." The game of hot potato continues.

"Actually, I could take her," Green Arrow interjected. "It's be good for Roy to have some normal commoner friends, too."

"Well I know who my new favorite hero is," I stated, jokingly swinging my arm over the man's shoulder.

I see him smirk a bit towards Batman when I decide to speak up once again. "Yeah, I've always been a fan of Roy."

The archer's smile immediately dropped and is replaced with a tiny frown. On the Dark Knight's face, however, the minuscule action of slightly upturned lips could just barely be seen if you paid extensive attention.

"I'm kidding Ollie, you'll always be the cutest superhero," I laugh.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

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