Chapter 3

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Quick little thingy. F/n = first name, and I will only use this instead of Y/n when you're using your full name, meaning L/n (Last Name). I'm doing this because F/n in some cases can also mean Fake Name.

3rd POV

The bioship came to a halt and the seat belts flew off of everyone.

Making sure Y/n wouldn't be able to escape, Robin pulled off her blindfold and allowed her to look around the hangar as he led her to the interrogation room.

As expected, Batman was waiting for them inside, and after leading her in and snapping on the cold handcuffs, the team trotted into the room behind the glass to watch how a professional does this.

Y/n's POV

The Dark Knight stared me down, and even though it wasn't the BatGlare, it was still intimidating. Frankly, I'm just lucky my inner fangirl is preventing me from being too nervous.

"Who are you?" he suddenly asked.

"And here I thought you were the World's Greatest Detective. Well, I mean, I guess you wouldn't be able to find anything... Unless you found stuff on my... Off track. Anyway, I'm F/n L/N, nice to meet'cha." I replied with a smile.

His demeanor didn't change, and although I know that's common for him, it's obvious he didn't trust a word I said.

Batman's POV

I know what she's saying is a lie. I saw a picture of her beforehand and used facial recognition and hacking to discover her personal information, and it wasn't good. If they didn't bring her in now, we might've have sent the team after her later.

"Don't lie to me. Now how do you know their identities?" I growled.

"How do you know I know their identities? You haven't even had them report the situation yet..." she says, obviously a bit startled but also a bit... in awe...?

"Because I'm Batman. Now answer the question."

Yeah yeah, I could've went longer, but I just felt like that was a suitable chapter ending. Sry all these chapters are short, but this will be the average length probably so yeah... On the other hand they'll be much quicker to write!

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