Chapter 1

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Everything seemed to  hurt as Y/n regained consciousness. Though, that is what happens when a building falls on you.

Finally, the ringing in her ears silenced, and she groaned as several voices registered. "Hey, shh, she's waking up," one of them hushed.

Y/n opened her eyes to see six faces peering down at her. A green woman helped her sit up.... wait... no.... yep. She's green, and somehow, she looked familiar to the confused teen. She tried to recall how she would know someone who's green, but her head was too foggy.

Looking around, all six of the surrounding teens looked odd. They were all dressed in strange clothing and many had odd features. With the oddballs surrounding her, it made her feel like it was just a crazy dream.

One with black hair and a domino mask gave Y/n a hand up. "Sorry, but we're going to bring you in for interrogation."

A gasp fell out of the girl's mouth as she looked at him. The costume she had seen over and over that could only belong to, "Robin...?"

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