Chapter 1

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Manhattan, New York. A city filled with millions of people with dreams of success and prosperity. Thousands of people come here to work and make their dreams come true. On a busy street, a medium-sized, somewhat run-down building with a dull blueish-grey color, large windows, and a sign hanging above the front doors that read "Mario Brothers: Plumbing and Maintenence". Inside, a average sized and slightly chubby man wearing a clad, light grey janitor outfit sat in his chair, snoring up a storm. A A.C unit about two inches from where the man sat blew cold air in his face, his brown mustache gently flowing in the wind. A sleeker, taller man opened a door behind the front desk, walking towards the sleeping man.

"Mario.... Mario... MARIOOOOOO!!!" Luigi yelled.

Mario abruptly woke up, falling off his chair. Mario got up, rubbing his head.

"Luigi, what the heck? You scared the meatballs outta me!" Mario exclaimed. Luigi frowned as he took out a notepad and a pen.

"We got customers, Mario! Hurry up!" Luigi replied.

Mario immediately put on his grey cap and grabbed a large toolbox, and headed straight for the garage, where a old, rickety company van waited. Mario jumped into the driver's seat and strapped on his seatbelt. Luigi climbed up into the passenger's seat and closed the door.

"Another glorious day in the pipes, eh Luigi?" Mario said, starting the engine. Luigi sighed with disapproval.

"Mario, you and me both know cleaning toilets all day isn't anywhere near glorious." Luigi said. Mario just laughed as he drove towards their destination.


Mario spent the whole day stopping by people's houses and apartments, fixing broken sink pipes, unclogging toilets, performing the occasional good deed of saving some old lady's cat that got stuck in a tree. It was almost 3:40 in the afternoon, and Mario had just finished unclogging his 134th toilet. Mario took a glance at his watch.

"Oh, boy! Our shift's just about over! Lets-a go, Weegee." Mario said, jumping into the van with Luigi and driving off.

Upon parking the van inside the garage, Mario popped open the door and leaped off, putting his toolbox away and fanning himself with his cap. Mr. Schmitt, the manager of the warehouse, storming down the stairs. The man, around fifty years of age, groaned loudly as he came face to face with Mario and Luigi.

"MARIO BROTHERS!!" Mr. Schmitt yelled. Mario and Luigi both stood up straight like soldiers.

"I have some, how would you say, unhappy news. The WMC sent out a notifcation letter to my office this afternoon and, well, I have to let you go." Mr. Schmitt confessed. Mario and Luigi looked at each other with baffled faces.

"What? But why? We've been doing a great job for the past five years working here!" Mario exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Mario. Apparently we're low on budgets, which means I won't be able to pay you both. Besides, your contract with the company had already expired." Mr. Schmitt replied. Mario hung his head low, with Luigi placing a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"I'm truly sorry, guys. You were the best employees in the business, without a doubt. I truly hope something better comes your way." Mr. Schmitt said, walking off to his office. Mario sighed as he and Luigi grabbed their things and headed home.


It was 7:00 at night, the moon was starting to make its way into the sky. Mario and Luigi's house was small and rather petite. It had two bathrooms, one large kitchen, and a large bedroom with two beds, one on both sides of the room. Mario laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. How could such a seemingly normal day end so badly? Mario sighed once more, though it sounded more of a forced groan than anything. Luigi peeked his head through the door, looking as the sad thirty-five year old man that was his older brother.

"Mario... I made spaghetti and meatballs. Your favorite!" Luigi said. Normally, spaghetti would get Mario out of any funk he's in. But pasta couldn't bring Mario out of this one. Luigi sighed as he sat at the edge of Mario's bed. Mario turned his head towards Luigi and sat up.

"We lost our job, and there won't be any more job openings until December. How are we gonna make it until then?" Mario asked. Luigi simply shrugged his shoulders. Mario got up and walked to the window, looking out at the landscape.

"When Mama was on her deathbed, I promised her I'd take care of you." Mario said with solemnity in his voice.

"And you've been doing a great job, Mario!" Luigi replied. Mario turned to face Luigi.

"Now that we're jobless, how can I keep that promise?" Mario asked. Luigi scratched the back of his head.

"Maybe there's a business out there that can use our help. We shouldn't give up because we got laid off our previous one. Even though you really liked plumbing..." Luigi said. Mario began to smile a little.

"Hey, you know what? You're right, Weegee. I guess we could think of something. Its not like its the end of the world." Mario said. Luigi smiled back.

"Mario, the spaghetti's getting cold." Luigi said.

"Mama mia! You're right!" Mario exclaimed, laughing as he and Luigi walked towards the kitchen.

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