Chapter 4

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It has been a day since Mario and Luigi set off on their quest. It was nearly 4:00 in the afternoon and the brothers had barely covered ten miles of road. You would think they'd try and get a taxi to quicken the pace. But this is Mushroom Kingdom. There were no taxis.

The sun was beating down on the two heroes harshly, a flower burned up in the sunlight. Mario and Luigi were forced to fan themselves with their hats to keep the massive amount of sweat from drowning them. A half hour later, the two brothers came upon a few floating blocks with a large question mark plastered on all of the blocks' sides. Mario looked up, perplexed at the weird sight.

"Hey, Weegie, come-a look at this." Mario said, motioning to Luigi. Luigi looked at the floating mystery boxes with bewilderment.

"What in spaghetti's noodles is this?" Luigi asked. He checked his eyesight to see if he was simply hallucinating the floating blocks.

"Seems like a floating box. It has a question mark on it. I'm gonna open it!" Mario said. He reached out to grab the box, but found himself unable to grab the box due to his short size. Mario began to jump, attempting to punch the box open. Mario had underestimated the power of his jump, as he sent himself flying right into the box and ramming his head into the floating cube. Mario landed face first on the ground with a thud.

"Mario! Are you okay?!" Luigi asked, helping his brother up. Mario groaned, rubbing his head.
"I'm fine, Weegie." Mario said, rubbing his head. He looked at the cube, noticing it was open. Before Mario could even figure out how he opened the box, he looked down and saw an egg with green dots splattered all over sitting on the grassy ground in front of him.

"Uh, Weegee... I think that box just gave me an egg..." Mario said, inspecting the egg. Suddenly, the egg began to shake, cracks forming on it's shell. Suddenly, the egg exploded, revealing a tiny green baby dinosaur. Mario gasped as he looked at the infant reptile. All of a sudden, the infant instantaneously grew into a human-sized adult in a matter of seconds. The now adult dinosaur looked at Mario, wagging his little tail. Mario and Luigi stood baffled at the sight. Mario opened his mouth and....


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Yoshi screamed back. The two were screaming in confused terror at each other for almost five minutes until Luigi finally cut them off.

"Okay, okay' that's enough screaming! Is that a dinosaur?" Luigi exclaimed. Yoshi licked his eyes in a very creepy manner, which really freaked Luigi out. Mario grabbed a apple from a nearby bush and held it out to Yoshi.

"Nice dinosaur, good dinosaur.... You hungry? Have a juicy red..." Mario was cut off when Yoshi threw open his mouth and fired a extremely long, frog-like tongue at the apple. The tongue latched onto the apple and immediately brought it back into Yoshi's mouth. Yoshi clamped his mouth shut and swallowed the fruit whole.

"...... Apple." Mario finished. Yoshi smiled and wagged his tail even more.

"Come on, Mario. Don't you have a princess to rescue?" Luigi said, walking off. Mario hurried after his brother. A few moments later, Mario and Luigi turned around and watched as Yoshi walked up behind them.

"Oh, no no no no! NO pets allowed, Mario!" Luigi said, grabbing another apple and throwing it. Like a dog playing fetch, Yoshi ran after the fruit.

"There, he's gone. Now lets hurry up, Mario." Luigi said.

"But I was starting to like him..." Mario muttered. Mario and Luigi started off, heading towards-

"Yoshi, Yoshi!" Yoshi squeaked. Luigi glared at Mario, who smiled while shrugging his shoulders. Luigi grabbed the apple again and threw it farther, causing Yoshi to chase after it again. Mario and Luigi began picking up the pace, yet Yoshi once again returned with the apple in his mouth. Luigi frowned and groaned in frustration as he grabbed the apple and furiously threw the fruit as far as possible, directing Yoshi to chase after it. Luigi turned to walk away when Mario tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, Weegee." Mario started.

"WHAT MARI- AHH!" Luigi yelled, seeing Yoshi wagging his tail while holding the apple. Mario broke down in hysterical laughter as Luigi facepalmed himself.

"Uugghhhh..... FINE, FINE! He can come with us, but he's YOUR responsibility, Mario!" Luigi exclaimed. Mario smirked.

"Relax, Weegie. I'm the older brother here. I can handle him." Mario said as he patted Yoshi's head. The trio headed off, continuing their journey.

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