Chapter 13

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The trio and Princess Peach returned to Mushroom Kingdom, where Toadsworth and all the Toads celebrated the safe return of the princess. Everyone had now spent a few months repairing their city. It seemed that everything was going back to normal. Or was it?


In the Mushroom Kimgdom's castle's royal backyard, red flowers and pink stripes were all over the trees and bushes. Rows of nicely dressed Toads sat in organized, petite chairs as wedding music began playing. Mario stood in a black and white tuxedo, a red flower perched on the right of his suit. Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi were all wearing medallions for their bravery and heroism. Mario looked at his brother and now best man, smiling.

"We did good, Weegee. We did good." Mario said. Luigi smiled.

"We sure did, brother." Luigi replied. Everyone stopped talking and turned as Princess Peach strolled down the aisle wearing a gorgeous white wedding dress with flowery embroidements stitched to her skirt. Peach and Mario stood facing each other.

"Dearly beloved...." The priest began. "We come today to celebrate the matrimony of two kindred souls." Mario and Peach smiled warmly at each other.

"Mr. Mario, do you take our beloved Princess Peach to be your loving wife?" The priest asked, turning to Mario. Mario looked at Peach.

"I do." He said. The priest now turned toward Peach.
"And do you, Princess Peach, take this fine man to be your loving husband?" The priest asked.

"I do." Peach replied.

"Then it is my pleasure and sacred duty to announce these two lovers be united in the sacrament of marriage! You may kiss the bride." The priest happily announced. Mario drew Peach close and the newly-weds locked lips once more. Everyone cheered and whooped happily. Peach's best friend, a fellow princess wearing a orange and yellow dress named Daisy, whooped and screamed out in joy while rapidly clapping her hands. A very distraught and miserable Bowser (who was completely covered in casts) sat next to Bowser Jr., groaning as he reluctantly clapped his hands.

"This is the worst day of my life...." Bowser groaned, watching Mario and Peach holding hands while happily walking down the hall together. Mario looked back to see Luigi wink at him, giving him a wide smile. Mario returned the gesture, grinning from ear to ear.

The Mario Brothers finally found something better for their lives. They found a people who believed in them and truly appreciated their efforts. And with Mario finding the love of his life, life just couldn't be sweeter. It was going to be just fine for everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom.

The End.

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