Chapter 2

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The sun slowly lifted itself into the morning sky, blasting its rays directly on the Mario brothers' house. At first glance, it looks like their house was set ablaze by the searing heat. Mario was flopped over on his bed, belching out snores that could be heard for miles. A box-shaped alarm clock abruptly exploded with obnoxiously loud beeping, assaulting Mario's ears with its shrill, deafening ringing. Mario groaned tiredly as he lifted his arm, smacking the snooze button before going back to sleep. The alarm clock went off a minute later, forcing the ex-plumber to wrap his pillow around his head.

"SHUT UP YOU STUPID BOX!" Mario exclaimed, punching the annoying device out of the window. Mario sat up, sluggishly opening his sleep-deprived eyes. The moment Mario had finally stood up from his bed, he flopped over on the floor face-first. It took almost five minutes for Mario to drag himself into the kitchen. He grabbed a coffee mug and proceeded to fill it with the dark-brown liquid caffeine. Without any hesitation, Mario smashed the mug onto his face, letting the boiling-hot coffee soak all over his weary eyes. Luigi had already gotten out of bed, spending his morning sitting on the couch and watching TV while eating a bowl of cereal. After he (somehow) enjoyed the fresh coffee, Mario walked out the front door, spending the next ten minutes performing the weirdest morning stretch ritual mankind has ever laid eyes upon. Mario immediately covered his eyes with his hand to protect his eyes from the sun's powerful rays. Mario eventually adapted to the sunlight, reaching down to grab a newspaper. As he read the highlighted sports section, he noticed a giant green pipe mysteriously standing in his walkway. Mario groaned in dismay as he folded up the newspaper.

"Luigi, did you use the catalog again?"


"Oh really? Then, can you please explain to me why there is a giant green pipe sitting in our front yard?"

"Green pipe? What do you mean a green pi- OH MY GOD."

Luigi stared at the pipe for a minute before regaining his composure.

"Who even left this pipe here?! Look at it! It's disgusting!" Luigi complained.

"You know what, it probably belongs to Mr. Lanksy. He always has some kind of plumbing issue that we end up fixing for him." Mario said, approaching the pipe.

"Mario, what are you doing?" Luigi asked.

"Relax, Luigi. I'm just peek-" Mario suddenly got sucked inside the pipe, screaming as the pipe carried him straight down.

"MARIOOO!" Luigi screamed. He began panicking like a startled mouse. Luigi groaned and jumped into the pipe without a drop of hesitation.

"IM-A COMING, MARIO!!" Luigi screamed.


Mario screamed as he slid farther and farther from home, fear splashing all over him. It seemed like he was falling forever, until Mario finally flew out of the pipe and landed on bright green grassy ground. He groaned, getting to his feet. Luigi was not far, evident from his terrified screams getting louder within each second. Luigi launched out of the pipe, landing right next to Mario.

"Weegee, you gotta look at this...." Mario said.

Luigi propped his head up, his eyes widening and jaws agape. The two brothers had entered a new, beautiful, and very colorful land. The grass was a beautiful bright green, unlike New York's dull, colorless streets. Gigantic mushrooms acted like trees, towering over the hills and meadows. The hills themselves dominated the landscape. Mario swore they had eyes. The skies were a beautiful shade of blue, dotted by large puffy clouds. The two men gaped in awe at the marvelous sight. Mario squinted his eyes, noticing what looked like buildings far in the distance.

"Luigi, look! Civilization!" Mario exclaimed. The two brothers started towards the city.


Mushroom Kingdom was a marvelous place to be. Mushroom houses lined the streets, and small human-like beings with mushroom hats, oddly called Toads, walked around with smiles on their faces. A massive castle stood in the middle of Mushroom Town square. It looked like the very tips of the castle were stabbing the clouds. A window with a artistic portrait of the kingdom's matriarch stood in the center of the castle. Walking towards a large staircase outside of her room, a blonde-haired woman wearing a hot pink, silky dress opened the doors of the balcony, looking down at her beloved subjects. A elder Toad with a big, white beard wielding a staff walked next to the woman.

"Princess Peach, I am happy to inform you the preparations for the Mushroom Kingdom 70th Anniversary celebration have gone on without a hitch!" Toadsworth exclaimed.

"That's wonderful, Toadsworth! I'm so excited for tonight's gala. Hopefully everyone will be there." Princess Peach replied happily, picking Toadsworth up and embracing him in a warm hug. Toadsworth began blushing so hard, he looked more red than a tomato. After a full minute, Peach put him down.

"You're Majesty, I will continue to see to the preparations. Until then, I'll leave you to your duties." Toadsworth said, walking out of the room. Peach sighed happily as she leaned on the railway, looking on towards the horizon.


Mario and Luigi walked through the main entrance, gawking at the mushroom houses and the Toads walking around. The two brothers looked at each other in a perplexed fashion.

"Mario, this place is weird... Mushroom trees, mushroom houses, little men with mushroom hats. What is this? The Mushroom Kingdom?" Luigi said.

"Ahem. This is the Mushroom Kingdom." Toadsworth suddenly retorted. Mario and Luigi jumped in surprise as they gazed on the old Toad.

"Woah! A little old man!" Mario exclaimed. Toadsworth gasped, clearly offended.

"How dare you call me a old man! Have at thee, you scoundrel!" Toadsworth exclaimed, charging at Mario. Unfortunately for the elderly Toad, all he could do was flail his arms in a failed attempt to slap Mario.

"Okay, little guy. Don't hurt yourself." Mario said.

"Wait until I inform the Princess of your foul insults!" Toadsworth threatened.

"Princess?" Mario and Luigi simultaneously asked. Toadsworth narrowed his eyes.

"Wait a second. I never seen you two gentlemen walking around here in my entire life. You must be newcomers! Oh, my! Well, come. You'll want to meet Princess Peach!" Toadsworth said. Mario shrugged as he and Luigi followed Toadsworth.


Toadsworth led them into the castle's main entrance, where a large decorative hall stood in front of a glamourous staircase. Mario and Luigi stood in awe yet again.

"You two wait here while I retrieve the princess." Toadstool said before walking up the staircase. A few moments later, Peach walked down the stairs. The very second Mario laid eyes on Peach, he was completely smitten.

"L-Luigi... She's..." Mario began. Luigi looked at Mario and facepalmed. Peach walked up to the two men, smiling.

"Hello, travellers! I see you met my royal advisor. Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom! I'm Princess Peach. And you are?" Peach said. Mario stood there, gawking at Peach's beauty.

"Hi... Hi.... Hi.... Hi.... Hi... Hi..." Mario stammered. Peach giggled at Mario's stammering. Luigi slapped the back of Mario's head, snapping him out of the stammer attack.

"Hello, I'm Luigi, and this is my older brother, Mario." Luigi introduced. Mario just simply waved, still mesmerized by Peach.

"Greetings, Mario and Luigi. It's nice to meet you both!" Peach replied. She smiled at Mario, gently pinching his cheeks.

"You're cute, you know that?" Peach said, giggling as she walked out of the castle to join the preparations. Mario touched his cheek.

"I'm-a never washing this cheek again..." Mario said, in a dreamy tone. Luigi scoffed and rolled his eyes.

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