Chapter 12

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Mario dodged Bowser's claw swipe as he kicked the Koopa King's legs. Luigi and Yoshi began attacking Bowser as well by punching his legs. Infuriated, Bowser threw off the trio and roared, opening his mighty jaws and expelling a volley of fireballs at them. Yoshi opened his mouth and whipped out his tongue, grabbing and swallowing one of the fireballs. Almost immediately, his cheeks began swelling with smoke. Bowser lifted a clawed fist towards Yoshi to crush him, yet he was halted when the green dinosaur shot the fireball back at Bowser, blasting him point-blank in the face. Bowser yelped as he toppled backwards on the ground, his spiked shell getting anchored to the wooden floor. Bowser struggled to break free, seeing Mario leap into the air and prepare to divebomb him. Bowser broke free and punched Mario hard, sending him sprawling into a barrel.

"You are all fools if you think you have a chance at beating me!" Bowser roared, breathimg fire at the heroes. Mario used a piece of wood as a shield and deflected the flame away from himself and his companions, making the flame hit Bowser once again.

"HA! TAKE THAT, BOWSER!" Mario laughed. Bowser snarled, wiping the smoke from his face.

"YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET THAT, CHUMP!" Bowser said. Bowser grabbed the trio in his clawed hands and smashed them on the ground multiple times.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Bowser laughed. Mario broke free and grabbed hold of Bowser's leg, climbing towards the groin area. With massive effort, Mario uppercutted Bowser in the groin incredibly hard. Bowser doubled over, and let out a elongated scream of pain.


"Mario, go save the princess! Yoshi and I got this!" Luigi yelled.

"What?! I can't leave you to-" Mario started but Luigi shushed him.

"Go and do what we came here to do." Luigi stated, nodding his head at Mario. Mario returned the nod, diving under Bowser's legs and running straight towards Peach. Luigi picked up Yoshi and aimed his butt at Bowser, cocking him like a loaded gun.

"ALRIGHT, BOWSER! I GOT A LOADED YOSHI AND I'M NOT-A AFRAID TO USE HIM!" Luigi yelled. Bowser just laughed at Luigi's statement.

"HA! What are you gonna do? Pelt me with eggs?" Bowser questioned. Almost immediately, Yoshi began farting hundreds of eggs at a rapid pace at Bowser, blasting the Koopa King with a myriad of explosive eggs.

"GAHH!" Bowser yelped. Ripping a pole from the woodworks, Bowser smacked Luigi and Yoshi in the air. Luigi and Yoshi yelped as they were sent flying into two barrels. Bowser turned around, seeing Mario untying Peach.

"NOOO!!!!!" Bowser furiously roared. He opened his jaws and shot a fireball straight at Mario and Peach.

"PEACH, LOOK OUT!" Mario hollered, shoving Peach away and taking the full force of the fireball. Mario screamed in pain as he crashed into the edge of the ship's helm. Bowser snarled, stomping towards Mario. Before Mario could recover, Bowser grabbed Mario by the suspenders and smashed him once more on the ground.

"AGGHH!" Mario yelped. Peach gasped as she watched Mario get pummled by Bowser.

"No!" Peach yelled. Yoshi threw the barrel off his head and whipped around, spotting Bowser stomp towards Mario. Yoshi threw open his mouth and wrapped his tongue around Bowser's left leg, desperately trying to hold him back. Bowser lifted his leg and grabbed hold of Yoshi's tongue, tying it into a knot.

"Pathetic fools!" Bowser yelled as he sent Yoshi barreling into Luigi. The Koopa King stood there, laughing evilly. Mario got up slowly, weakened from his beating. He clutched his wounded arm and glared at Bowser.

"HEY, UGLY!!" Mario yelled. Bowser turned around and snarled.

"You want the princess? You're gonna have to go by me!!" Mario yelled. Bowser cackled as he stood before Mario.

"HA! Look at this. The twerp's all beaten up, with no strength left and yet you still want to fight!" Bowser mocked, backhanding Mario, sending him crashing into a mast.

"You think you're a hero, Mario?! Your mother must've told you that you could do anything, right?" Bowser kept going, mocking the Mario brothers. Mario glared at Bowser.

"Well, chump. She told you WRONG!!!" Bowser roared, punching Mario once again. Mario smashed into a barrel, yelping painfully. He sat up, groaning weakly while rubbing his head. Bowser stomped towards the downed plumber, growling as his jaws ignited with flame.

"Mario!" Peach exclaimed as she tried to rush to Mario, only to be pulled back by Luigi. Bowser chuckled as he prepared to finish Mario off with a fireball.

"It's over, chump! I won!" Bowser said. Mario shimmied backwards in a effort to escape Bowser, finding himself backing into a large barrel. Strangely enough, a glowing star tumbled down from the barrel's lid and plopped onto Mario's hands.

"What the..." Mario said, gasping in shock as he began to feel his power increasing while his body became highlighted in a golden aura. Bowser opened his jaws and fired a massive fireball at Mario right as he got up, triggering a huge explosion.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Peach and Luigi screamed. Bowser grinned in satisfaction as he watched the dust cloud dissipate.

"Haha! That'll teach that worm not to...." Bowser's sentence trailed off when glowing and completely unharmed Mario walked through the dust. Bowser's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets as he dumbfoundedly gawked at the grinning plumber.

"W-What? H-How? Y-You were..." Bowser stammered, his words leaving his mouth as Mario sent the Koopa King flying into the ship's mast with a single punch. Bowser groaned in pain as he sat up, only to have Mario leap on him and punch his face again.

"AGH!" Bowser yelped.

"Alright, you oversized gecko, no more games! It's time to teach you a lesson!" Mario exclaimed. He jumped off Bowser's stomach when the Koopa King got up and tried to take several swipes at the super-powered plumber. Bowser roared out in anger as Mario started running circles around him.

"STAND STILL SO I CAN PUNCH YOU!!" Bowser roared, yelping as Mario kept landing hard punches on his face. Luigi and Yoshi pitched in on the beatdown, striking Bowser all over his legs, body, and face.

"OW! OWWWW! AGH, STOP IT! THIS HURTS!" Bowser exclaimed as he made poor attempts to stop the beatdown. Yoshi wrapped his tongue around a barrel and clobbered Bowser on the head with it, throwing him into a daze.

"Agh, my head!" Bowser yelled. Mario jumped into the air and kicked Bowser's spiky shell, shoving the Koopa King face-first onto the ground. After Bowser toppled over, Mario grabbed hold of his tail and began swinging him around.

"So long, Bowser! Have a nice flight!" Mario said, finally sending Bowser flying out of the ship.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Bowser screamed, smashing into a mountain before he tumbled onto the hard ground.

"Ohhh, my head..." Bowser groaned painfully. At last, the vile Bowser was defeated.


Peach ran to Mario, jumping into his arms. Without thinking, she suddenly kissed Mario in the lips. Peach finally removed herself from Mario's face, gasping in surprise.

"Oh, my! I'm so sorry! I didm't know what came over me!" Peach exclaimed, blushing with embarrassment.

"Ah, it's okay." Mario said. He held Peach in a romantic position and returned the passionate kiss. As Mario and Peached romantically locked lips, Yoshi and Luigi simply stared with their jaws wide open.

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