Chapter 10

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Toadsworth paced back and forth in Peach's castle, fearful thoughts were rapidly fiddling in his mind. The Toads were busy at work reconstructing the damaged houses. It has been six days since Mario and Luigi embarked on their quest and there has been no signs of their return with Princess Peach. Toadsworth was starting to worry when he heard footsteps approaching the front door.

"Oh, my heavens! The brothers returned!" Toadsworth exclaimed. But instead of Mario and Luigi, Bowser kicked the doors in while carrying Princess Peach, laughing evilly.

"Oops! Were you expecting someone else? Sorry, old man, but your "heroes" have been taken care of. Oh, and FYI, I'm the new head-honcho here!" Bowser laughed, kicking Toadsworth out of a window.

"I FAILED YOU, PRINCEEEEEEEEEEEESS!!" Toadsworth screamed as he flew out the window. Bowser laughed victoriously as he sat on Peach's throne.

"It feels good to be king." Bowser said to himself. Peach could do nothing but weep, feeling all hope was lost for her and her kingdom.


Mario sat in the corner of the cell, keeping his head buried in his knees. Between Bowser taking control of the Mushroom Kingdom and recklessly leaving his two friends behind, Mario figured his day couldn't get any worse, or any better. He took off his cap and stared at the big red "M" stitched to the front of the cap. After a few moments, Mario frowned at his cap and sat up as he lifted his cap. He yelled loudly as he threw the cap out of the window, crossing his arms and sitting back down. Spontaneously, Mario's cap just floated right back inside the cell. Confused at the strange sight, Mario grabbed the cap and threw it out again, only for the cap to seemingly push itself back through the bars. Mario narrowed his eyes in suspicion and threw the cap out the window a third time. This time, the cap flew into the cell at high speed, smacking Mario in the face.

"Ow!" Mario exclaimed, picking up the cap and putting it back on. Mario looked up, widening his eyes in shock as he saw Luigi and Yoshi peeking through the window.

"Mario! Is that you in there?" Luigi called out.

"Luigi! I'm here!" Mario replied.

"Thank God you're alright! We're getting you out of here, bro!" Luigi said, attempting to pull the window apart.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" Kamek yelled, aiming his wand at Luigi and Yoshi.

"YOU TWO ARE UNDER ARREST FOR INTRUDING ON BOWSER'S LAIR FOR THE SECOND TIME!" Kamek said. Yoshi and Luigi simply grabbed Kamek and used him as a battering ram to smash the cell's door open. Luigi and Mario embraced each other in a brotherly hug, laughing.

"Mario, I'm sorry. For everything." Luigi said.

"Bro, you don't need to apologize." Mario countered.

"No, I do. You were right. I was being such a negative idiot. Can you forgive me?" Luigi asked.

"Sure I can, bro. Now, let's get out of here." Mario said. Kamek got up, rubbing his head.

"My head hurts..." Kamek groaned, looking up to see Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi surrounding him.

"Uh..." was the only word Kamek could utter before he was tied up in chains and locked up inside the cell. Mario and Luigi jumped on Yoshi's back and took off, leaving Kamek alone.

"Hey! Get back here! GET BACK HERE AND UNTIE ME! ........ Please?"

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