Chapter 2 - what did I say?

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I was woken up at around 4am to the phone in my room ringing. Not my mobile, the phone you might usually ring for room service on.

Answering, a flamboyant sounding voice screeches from the phone.

"Ebony dear, I've been told to ring you because there is a crazy dude demanding your presence in reception"

Straight away I know its my dad. It has to be!

"Stall him please, I will pack up and leave now. Thank you" I hang up and flick on the lights, stripping out of my pyjamas then changing into some new clothes.

After this, I throw on my motorbike leathers and biker boots. I put my phone and charger in the backpack. I zip shut the deadpool backpack and place it on my back. Holding my helmet in one hand, I unlock then lock the door with the other; leaving the key card in the lock.

Rushing down the steps off the upper level of rooms, I spot my white motorcycle looming in the distance. Surprisingly I can already hear the familiar voice of my father but he is screaming at the reception staff, who are loyally refusing to give him any information.

 I clamber onto the Kawasaki bike and turn the key into the ignition hearing the engine roar to life under me. Dad spins around and notices the figure on the bike. He runs from reception.

I give him the finger before zooming off into the distance, leaving the man with a cloud of dust but no daughter.


Rachel's diner was a pleasant place just off the road. I had lost track of how long I had been travelling for also.

The diner was decorated very patriotically. Sitting down in a red leather booth, I pick up the laminated menu and scan the list.

I settle on a pulled pork burger with sweet potato chips and onion rings, with a Fanta then finally strawberry cheesecake for dessert. All in all, the food was amazing and the price was so little. I wasn't expecting a cheap meal.

I made sure to leave a generous tip of course.


I was on the road again for around for 45 minutes when I spotted the sign for the "Crooked cow motel".

Crooked cow? Where the hell did they get that name from, I laugh internally. The buildings appear to be converted from barns. Probably a cow farm, guessing from the name.

In reception there is a skinny man wearing a red and white polka dot dickie bow. I love dickie bows.

"Hi! Welcome to the crooked cow" He smiles warmly at me.

Once again, I give my details and he passes me the key to room 10.

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