Chapter 4 - DRUGGED ME!

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"YOU DRUGGED ME?!" I exclaim for about the 50th time.

"Yes" my dad responds.

I can't get my head around the fact that my own dad drugged me.

"Well, you were being highly uncooperative " he tries again.

I just shake my head in anger.

"GET.OUT" I sound out the syllables slowly so he definitely understood.

He looks hurt and upset but to be honest I couldn't care less. Does he not realise what he's done? Obviously not since he is still sat on the edge of the bed.

"They even have an anger management group here!" he says as if it's a selling point.

Anger bloody management?

I don't need that.

All I need is some gym space where I can beat the shit out of and subsequently break a punching bag. That's all I ask. Not some stupid group where I sit in a circle. That doesn't work for me. I've tried it several times and he knows that and he also knows that each time its a waste.

Well, its his fault. If he shoves me in a building where I can't successfully take out my anger on something then you can all guess what's going to happen.

I'll explode and everyone around me will get hurt.

It's like I'm a grenade or a ticking time bomb.

But worse.

Before I know it, my coward of a dad has left and a woman enters the room.

She was slightly...chubbier around the waist and she wore a hot pink dress which surprisingly matched her eyes and suited her.

"Good afternoon Ebony, how are you feeling ?" she smiles, pen poised over a clipboard ready to write down everything I say.

A shrink? Probably.

"Like I'm about to fucking kill someone"

"Isn't that a bit extreme ?"

"Put me in a room full of people and let's find out" I smile psychotically at her to purposefully unnerve her. It begins to work.

"I have no concerns about you at the moment" she states, attempting to sound confident but I practically smell the fear emanating from her.

"Big mistake"

"What is? Me having no concerns?"

"Yes and also pretending to be confident when inside you are scared shitless. I can smell your fear" I reply cocking my head to one side.

She cannot disguise the pure terror in her eyes.

"Boo" I whisper.

She gets up and leaves.

Precisely 10 minutes later another women enters.

Her blonde hair is tied up in a bun. She is wearing a black, knee length pencil skirt and white blouse. Black framed glasses cover her blue eyes, magnifying them.

"Hello Ebony. Here is your school uniform. Please dress and then meet me outside" She lays a pile of ugly-looking material on the end of the bed before leaving the room silently.

I like her. She isn't a pussy. She is a woman who gets straight down to business effectively. One thing I cant abide is time wasters.

The uniform is as follows:

Red tartan pleated skirt

Black knee high socks

White shirt/blouse

Red tartan tie

Black blazer with red piping

Black brogue shoes

Honestly, the blazer isn't too hideous but the rest of it is.

Once dressed, I look in the floor length mirror by the door.

Hmm....I wonder if I could get my hands on some safety pins and some scissors to punk-up my uniform. That would certainly get me in trouble. I roll up the waist band of the skirt to bring it up to mid-thigh rather than below the knee.

Much better.

Ah yes. I need to get expelled. Which is gradually seeming harder and harder to do. I walk to the door, the black brogues smacking unpleasantly against the floor. I'm sure nuns wear brogues, don't they? My father better not be trying to turn me into a nun. What a creep.

It's already bad enough that he FUCKIN DRUGGED ME!

And yes, we are back to that again.

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