Chapter 7 : Detention

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This chapter is dedicated to @DontDenyKellicIsReal because this chapter features the entrance of some characters I developed from their idea so thank you !!
I can't freakin believe this bullshit.

Only a detention!! I swear this school has more patience than the Pope! Hahaha fake bastard.

Right now, I'm in my own clothes, I won't go into details about my outfit but to sum it up its black,ripped and involves leather as per.

I'm walking down a hallway with a linoleum floor and walls with lots of flyers about different clubs and social events which I will not be attending. Obviously.

I'm being forced to do after school detentions for a week and it's so frustrating because I really did think they would throw me out and not look back but apparently not.

After what seems like a decade, I reach an ugly wooden door, with an old metal doorknob and a metal plaque which reads 'DETENTION' in black block capitals.

Tentatively, I turn the doorknob and enter the room.

Instantly, I am hit with the smell of mouldy subway and sweat. In the front corner, sits a fat guy with ginger hair and freckles. In the left corner of the back row, sits a girl with purple ombre hair who is wearing a zipped up black leather jacket and a matte black half moon necklace. I notice she is wearing a silver bracelet with a pentagram on it.

Purple hair takes in my outfit and gives me a look of approval before gesturing to come sit next to her in the middle of the back row.
I sit in the seat.
"Hi" she purrs smiling at me.
"Hey" I reply
"What's your name?" She asks me interested .
"Ebony" I reply returning the smile .
"Cool name, I'm Latifa " she announces.

Suddenly, almost making me jump, the detention room door swings open and crashes against the wall.

In strides a tall guy, with black hair and pale skin. He is wearing black skinny jeans, a worn leather jacket , a slayer band tee and a silver chain hangs at his hip.

He has piercing grey eyes and judging by the look on his surprisingly handsome face, he was pissed off to be here.

"You're late again Mr Parker" the teacher sighs in a way that suggests she doesn't really care .

"Whatever" he shrugs turning to face us.

The moment he makes eye contact with me it's like the whole world stops. He physically freezes and so do I .
Quickly, he recovers himself and saunters to where I'm sat to sit on the desk next to mine.

"Ooooh someone got the hots for Toby Parker" Latifa winks at me suggestively .

"What? No I have a boyfriend" I whisper furiously back at her .

"Hi" a male voice says from the other side of me .

Slowly, I turn to face Toby.
"I'm Toby " he smirks at me .
"Ebony" I respond cooly which catches him off guard. Looks like I've met a guy who is completely obsessed with himself .

I turn back to Latifa.
"Toby might seem like he loves himself but actually he hates himself. It's just a facade" she whispers quietly .
"How do you know?" I whisper back to her equally as quiet.

"Because I'm his sister" she replies shocking me. They look nothing alike.

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