Chapter 13 : unlucky for some, 13

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Marilyn hasn't really been writing any more music recently, everyone's been focusing on finals.

Now that the finals are over, I have decided to ask the people I had in mind to be in my band.

Of course it's Electra, Morgan and Latifa.
Like i already know that Morgan plays drums and Electra plays electric guitar.

She has this really cool black and bright blue fender that suits her personality, actually.

I think Latifa plays bass, but I can't remember.

I see them all sat on the bench I asked them to meet me at in the courtyard.

"Girls, I have summoned you here because I have a very important question to ask you all." I announce catching their interest.

"Would you all wanna start a band?" I ask them seriously.

"A school band? Eb we're leaving school in like 2 weeks" Morgan announces, causing Electra to cheer.

"Not a school one. A proper one. My dad is the owner of fuse, remember. He already wanted to sign me so we can prep some songs and perform for him." I state logically.

"I'm in as long as I'm on electric guitar" Electra announces standing up.

"Same but on drums" Morgan adds, also standing.

I look to Latifa hopefully.

Sighing, she stands up.
"I'm in on bass" she responds causing us all celebrate.

However our celebrations were short lived, because two people had appeared; who usually id be happy to see.
But judging by the expressions on their faces, I wouldn't be happy to see them today.

An extremely fuming Manson stomping towards us, specifically towards me; with a smug looking Toby in tow.

Instantly, I feared the worse and I was correct.

"YOU'VE SNOGGED THIS BASTARD?!!" He shouts at me.

I glare at Toby.

"You fucking prick" I screech at him.


Me and Marilyn are in my dorm room for privacy. The girls are still outside with Toby having a go at him.

"Explain" he says shaking as he paces in front of the window.

"It was a reckless knee-jerk reaction to seeing the picture of you kissing Nadia. " I reply honestly.

"Why didn't you just tell me? I would have understood"

"I don't know, I just thought it would have created more problems"

"And letting me find out later, from someone else wouldn't create problems" he scowls

I groan. I should have told him.

"I'm sorry."
He sighs looking at me.

"Fine, but only because we're even" Manson relents sighing.

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