Chapter 9 : dont check

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As soon as I set one doc marten clad foot through the door, I am bombarded by my room mates.
"Please tell me you haven't seen any type of news" Electra screeches.
"" I reply confused.
"Few" Morgan sighs.

"OH! Morg this is wrong she has a right to know" Electra talks about me like I'm not here.

Reluctantly, Morgan opens up her laptop and instantly I think I'm going to die. On some music news website there is a picture of Marilyn kissing some random blonde girl.
"I'm so so sorry Eb" Electra squeaks resentfully. I just stare at the electronic screen, numb.

I thought he loved me .
They both stare at me expectantly . Waiting for my move. Then a sneaky idea pops into my head. If you can't beat them, join them.

This isn't going to turn into some soppy rom com where I rip up all our pictures, get wasted and somehow manage to call him .


I know exactly where I am headed.

Boys dorms, room 302.

I slowly walk to my closet and pull out skin tight leather pants, tight leather vest and knee high demonia boots. Quickly, I tie my hair up in a messy bun.

"Where are you going ?" They ask me.

Before I leave , I grab my black pyjama vest top and shorts, screw them up then shove them in my pocket .

"Don't expect me to come back, tonight"

"You go girl ."


Knock knock knock.

I practically knock the door down with my rabid knocking .
A shirtless Toby answers the door. His eyes widen in shock when he sees me standing there .

I push my lips onto his and we kiss passionately for about a minute before Toby wraps his arm around my waist possessively and pulls me into his room. Kicking the door shut.

We stop kissing.
"Why are you here Eb?" He asks me softly , expressing genuine concern.

"Marilyn was photographed kissing some random skank. After all I went to for us to be together he just throws it away" I whisper .

Toby crushes me to him.
"I knew it" he seethes.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I ask hopefully.
"Of course" he replies .

Toby's parents are possibly the richest parents so he has his own room with and en suite. I walk toward the bathroom and lock the door as I get changed into my slightly crumpled pyjamas.

I walk out, dropping my bundle of clothes on the floor next to the bathroom door.
Toby is in the double bed already. He peels back the covers for me to get in beside him.

Sliding in, I feel his arms wrap around my waist pulling me to him strongly . 

I don't know if I'll start to date Toby or not , but right now I feel better than I have in a long while.

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