Chapter 8 : subway migraines

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"Shut up sister dearest" Toby shouts at Latifa from beside me. I think I'm traumatised already.

Groaning, I put my head on the desk.
"Wassup?" Toby asks me sounding almost concerned .

"The smell of rotten subway is giving me a migraine! I'm gonna be sick " i announce.

"Oi Ebony is having a migraine, please can I take her to the nurses office she doesn't know where it is because she's new" Toby asks the teacher dominantly .

Before I know it I'm being dragged by the arm out of the room and Latifa is shouting various abuse behind us. The door slams shut.

The world is spinning but once we get outside I feel a little better. Instead of taking me to the nurse, Toby leads me a long way until we reach a medium size pond. It looks like something out of a Disney film, the water is crystal blue, the grass is bright green and there are various plants of all different shapes and sizes as well as colours.

I was just about to sit down when I froze. A wave of nausea washes over me and the world goes black as I crash to the ground.

Birds chirping and wind.
Quiet and comforting .
That's what I can hear. A gentle breeze brushes my pale skin as I slowly crack open my eyes.

Above me is a bright turquoise sky with white clouds floating around on it. Looking down on me, grey eyes filled with concern is Toby Parker. He smiles .
"Hey" he greets quietly.
"Hi" I reply smiling awkwardly when I realise my head is in his lap.
"How you feeling?" He asks me
"Dunno.Okay I guess" slowly he helps me sit up.

"What happened there?" Toby interrogates me.
"I don't know, I just felt really ill and then collapsed"
"Well no shit Sherlock" he teases me rolling his eyes playfully.

We spent the next few minutes talking about life but when he learnt about Marilyn he seemed disheartened.
"Not being funny Eb, but he sounds like a dick" he sighs rubbing his neck.
"If that was me, if I was lucky enough that a girl like you loved me I would drag my rockstar ass to the stupid school and have broken her out" he wistfully explains.
"So your saying I should break up with him?"
"No, I'm saying that he doesn't deserve you."

"I should get back to my dorm..." I make excuses hastily.
Toby slowly leans closer to me. His hot breath tickles my face.
"If you change your mind about him, you now where my room is"
And with that, he picks up my bag for me and walks me back to my dorm .

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