Oh look, Mustang's here!

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ok, about 'soul transmutation' it happens in the movie, just..in the beginning as dreams, before he actually figures it out. Also, everything I got off soul transmutation is from the fma site or from wikipedia and stuff :)

Chapter 6

---Canada---Ed's POV

I sat outside Jamie's hospital room, Doctors were rushing in and out, just like they were for Nat. I was worried about him alot, Jamie was like a real brother, not just a...umm...stepbrother? I suppose...even after about two years, I can't stop feeling weird when I say it. "Mr.Elric?" someone asked, breaking through my thoughts, I looked up to see a doctor. "Uhm, yes?"

"Well, Jamie's doing fine." the doctor said, "Not much water in his lungs, we somehow managed to get it out, he's asleep at the moment, but you can stay inside now if you like." I smiled, glad to know Jamie was ok, "Thanks." I said, as I went in.

Jamie was asleep on the hospital bed, he had a smile on his face. I stared at him for a minute, how much of a brother was he to me?

I went back into thought....

----2 years ago---first day, in the car, right after the adoption----

"Hi. I'm Natasha, you can call me Nat!" Natasha smiled. "Hi, Name's Edward. Just call me Ed." I replied.

"Hey, Ed, this is my brother, Jamie. He's always in our room or with his friends, he barely ever speaks to us!" she said, laughing. Jamie turned to me, stared at me for a minute, "he's ok...I guess." and returned to his music.

---at their house---

"Jamie," Tom said, "Go show Edward where he's staying, you remember the adjustments right?"

"Yeah, Ok." Jamie looked at me, "C'mon."

I remember feeling a bit..worried, or some feeling. "Ok, this is Natasha and my room, and from today...your room, too." he said, entering, I followed, "This is my bed, that's Natasha's, and that's yours." the room was huge...well, huge enough to fit maybe another few people. "This is my side of the room, that's Natasha's. You keep the right side. I'll see ya downstairs."  He walked downstairs and didn't talk to me again until later that night

-------------present time--------------

I looked at Jamie again, he had kept his hair as long as mine, otherwise he was the same old Jamie from a year (and a half) ago..

"mhmm..." Jamie groaned, "...Ed?...." I quickly looked up, his eyes were opening, "Hey, you ok?" I asked, he nodded, "Where're mom, dad and Nat?"

I stared at him for a moment, did he forget? ...he couldn't have, right? If he did, what do I say? "Ed...?" he asked, I gulped, "S-sorry, Jamie, they....they didn't make it..." He started laughing in a low voice, his head in his hands, his eyes covered up by the long bangs. "J-Jamie...you ok?"

"Y-yeah... I just...I hoped that was a dream....a nightmare, more like...I don't...I can't...Ed, what am I gonna do?"

I turned away and whispered, "I wish I knew..."

"Ed?" Jamie looked at me, "I have an idea, give me your book, the one with your notes on alchemy?"

"Why? it doesn't work on this side of the gate."

"Just give it." I hesitantly took out the small note-book from my jean's pocket. I was still surprised how I managed to fit it there. "thanks."

He started mumbling things that made no sense to me, "Water, 35 litres. Carbon, 20kg. Ammonia, 4 litres. Lime, 1.5kg. Phosperus, 800g. Salt, 250 g. Saltpeter, 100g. Sulphur, 80g..." and then I realised what he was thinking, and saying, "Hey wait!" I grabbed the book from him as he complained.

"Jamie, what the heck are you thinking?! there is no way you are ever going to try human transmutation, it's a taboo no one should do, the world is better off without it, and alchemy doesn't work here, even if it did, i'd never let you try it!" I shouted, "You can't risk it, idiot, what do you think? I ended up here on purpose?! After trying that thing my whole life changed, and that's the reason I'm here! You can't, I repeat, CAN'T, try it!" 

"I...I just..." he didn't continue. "shut up."


"That's the last thing I directly said to Natasha, 'Shut up' ...and sure, we'd always make up about things but...now...she's..." He trailed off, he looked like he was about to burst into tears.

The doctor came in, "Boys, you can leave if you like."

                                                         ~~~~~~~~2 HOURS LATER~~~~~~~~~

----Amestris, Resembool----Al's POV

The Colonel closed his eyes, he said there was no reason for him to watch me try to Soul transmutation on him. I supose he was scared about it even if he denied. "think of Ed, and I'll just start the transmutation, it'll sorta be like a dream...only you can feel it fine, and it can hurt soemtime in the end."

"Got it." He replied, "let's do it then!"

And I got ready to start, "I hope I can make this work..." Clapping my hands together, I start the transmutation...

-----Canada----Ed's POV

We were at home, eating sandwiches, "Why won't you tell me what we're doing? will you ever..?" Jamie asked, I grinned, "Just because you don't know doesn't mean I won't tell soon." After paying with what we could for Jamie and Nat, we had left the hospital; and now Jamie was complaining about what we were gonna do.


"shh...you hear that?" I whispered, "It's coming from outside."

"no, wha-"


"C'mon." we carefully went outside and looked around, no signs of Envy. Or anyone for that matter. "Ugh..." someone groaned, the sight we met was a man wearing military clothes that looked like it belonged in...Amestris? I looked up to see him completely, jet-black hair, dark eyes...Someone I didn't think I'd see in a long time, "Hey there, Colonel!" I shouted at him.

He looked up to see...well, Jamie and me. "F-Fullmetal?!"

"Alive and Well." I smirked, "Al helped, didn't he? I didn't think you'd believe him."

"It concerned you, of course I believed him."

"Well, It's a good think you did."

"So," he said, "Envy's really here, huh? ...and where is 'here', anyway?"

I smirked at that, he still had no clue that this was the other side of the gate...I think, "Yeah, about that..." I started, "uhm...We're on the other side of the gate, in a place called 'Canada'. And why'd you come here anyway?! I thought you'd try to do something from somewhere in Amestris...Like Central."

"I had to see this for myself-"

"of course you did...look, we got more important things to figure out right now" I said, we were all standing in the garden, which was a dumb thing to do because Envy could be anywhere. "like...?" I sighed, the guy had to know everything, "Envy came to us yesterday, and..." I trailed off, saying it in front of jamie and he wasn't even over it, "he..Killed Jamie's sister and Parents." At the corner of my eyes, I saw Jamie's fist tighten, I knew he was upset...I just didn't know what to say.


What now...?

"Oh, so this time Mustang's here, too." A voice said.



Thanks to everyone who's been reading,  sorry I didn't post sooner, and sorry if this is a lame chapter...

hope you like this chapter anyways, and please comment and vote! :)

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