Comet Dragonfly

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Ten years ago.

Toffee walks down the worn down path of a monster filled forest. He hears something, someone crying. However, this aren't the cries of some mewman he should be hiding from, they are the cries of a fellow monster...

Toffee takes a quick detour, and runs into a purple skinned monster with small white horns, gripping an odd purple wand. They are four, at most. However, the wand they hold is not just any wand...

It's Moon's wand.

Toffee approaches the monster child. A mix of curiosity and concern in his heart. However, even though he really wants the wand, he holds no malice or intention to steal it. After all, why would he do that to a fellow monster? "Hello small one," he greets, "what's the matter?"

"The Mewmans," the girl replies, "I was just walking, with ma and pa. We snuck into town to steal some corn. The queen attacked. Ma managed to get her wand, then both of them..."

The girl begins crying again. Toffee realizes what happened. This poor girl, is an orphan now. He can't just abandon her, and her having the wand is two birds with one stone.

"What's your name child?" Toffee asks.

"Comet," the child replies, "Comet Dragonfly.

"Don't worry Comet," Toffee replies, picking the girl up and carrying her, "uncle Toffee won't let the big bad queen get you."

"She went this way!" A voice exclaims, "kill that monster!"

"Be quiet," Toffee whispers, "we have to go. Do not, no matter what happens, drop that wand."

"OK," Comet replies, "sure thing uncle Toffee."

Toffee flees deeper into the forest, carrying Comet away from the malicious Mewmens...

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