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Comet returns to Rhombulus's crystal home, tears streaming down her face as darkness surrounds and consumes her.

"Comet is that you?" Toffee asks.

Comet takes a deep breath and contains her darkness, hiding it from Toffee as she replies, "yes."

Toffee notices something off about Comet's tone, something distant. Like she's hiding something. As he enters the room, he notices Comet looks fine in how she's standing and carrying herself, but can see in her eyes that there is darkness within in, and if left to fester, it will never leave.

"How was Earth?" Toffee asks.

"Fine," Comet turns away, and a little of the corrupted magic escapes her grasp, causing a small green jolt of electricity to appear near her face and flicker out.

Toffee realizes that Comet isn't going to tell him the truth, so he replies, "alright, well, I have to go speak to Eclipsa. Wait here."

Comet nods and Toffee exits the room. As soon as he's gone, Comet drops the act and begins crying softly, making sure nobody hears her.

"Darkness eh?" Eclipsa asks, grabbing a snookers from a vending machine.

"I don't know what to do," Toffee explains, "I'm really worried about her Eclipsa. Can't you do something?"

"I went through a similar phase," Eclipsa explains, "when I lived with Hekapoo after my mother died for a few years. It's best for us to step in now before she does something she'll regret."

"Like what?" Toffee inquires.

"You really think Festiva died during a crazy party?" Eclipsa turns away, "she started going dark too after her husband died and decided to join him. Comet is a danger to herself and everyone around her. I need to go handle this."

Eclipsa turns to leave but Toffee grabs her by the shoulder, pleading, "please, no matter how much the darkness consumes her. Don't -"

"Worst case scenario we have Rhombulus crystallize her," Eclipsa smiles, "I promise, I have this under control."

Eclipsa goes to speak to Comet. Hearing footsteps approaching, Comet quickly collects herself and turns to face Eclipsa.

"Hey Comet," Eclipsa speaks softly, with genuine concern in her voice, "how you doing? Have a good day?"

"I'm fine," Comet lies, turning away from Eclipsa to hide her pained expression, "just leave me alone OK?"

Eclipsa begins to approach Comet, speaking with concern in her voice, "something happened on Earth huh? It's OK. You can tell me what's wrong. I understand what it's like. It's OK. Just-"

Eclipsa places her hand on Comet's shoulder, sending panic through the cursed princess. Comet turns around, darkness surrounding her and shouts, "it doesn't matter! I'm just a monster and that's all I'll ever be! All I do is fight!"

Comet begins to weep. She mentally collapses, unable to keep it in anymore. Eclipsa steps back, giving Comet some space and walking away briefly before returning with a Snookers bar.

"It's OK," Eclipsa reassures her, "have a Snookers. Tell me what happened."

Comet begins to eat the Snookers, calming down to some extent. "They hate me. Everyone hates me."

"That's not true," Eclipsa shakes her head, "what makes you say that?"

"Marco and the others," Comet sighs, "all of them, they're all against me. They're never going to forgive me. I just don't understand. Why was I born Mewmen? If I was just Comet from the start then-"

Eclipsa calms Comet, "hey hey hey, it's OK. They don't hate you Comet. You're just... having a disagreement, and that's OK. What's not OK is what it's doing to you. Look at me."

Comet turns to face Eclipsa, who shows off the darkness on her arm.

"You see this?" Eclipsa asks, "this is darkness Comet. I can keep it in check, but when I'm angry or upset it spreads. Darkness feeds on pain. It's like a parasite. It can go away, with time, but I'm more focused on just keeping it at bay. You already have some darkness of your own, but if you listen to me, we can have it gone in a month."

Comet notices darkness on her left palm.

"What do I do?" Comet asks, still on the brink of tears.

"Come on," Eclipsa helps Comet to her feet, "we need to take a day. Wanna head to the Bounce Lounge?"

Comet nods.

"Let's go," Eclipsa smiles opening a portal as the duo go through...

Baby sits in the Bounce Lounge, sipping a soda to pass the time, holding a photo of her with her friends. She sighs, knowing that Eclipsa must be stopped before...

Her mirror goes off.

"Hello?" Baby asks.

"I don't wanna do this anymore," the speaker replies with harshness in their tone, "Eclipsa is dangerous but if the others find out-"

"Look," Baby sighs, "I promise you're making the right choice. Don't quit now. If River takes Comet she'll break down. We need to stop what they're planning. You're my man on the inside. What's going on?"

The spy sighs, "they're planning to attack Mewni, but, listen, what do I say if I get caught?"

"I'll take the fall," Baby replies, "don't worry."

"Man we should've hung out more," the spy chuckles, "like, I mean, we did, but not really that often."

"Yeah," Baby replies, "maybe I could tag along with you Marco and the others next time you guys see a movie when all this is over. In the meantime, just don't get caught."

"Got it," the spy replies, "and you texted me saying you saw Comet there?"

"Yeah," Baby replies, "and she's dark. I think I'm gonna try to talk to her."

"What if-"

"If she's going dark, then to Hell with worrying about Eclipsa. As for you, just make sure that attack fails. If they take Mewni's army, then overwhelming Eclipsa will be easy. We can't have that. I'm going to try to reason with Comet."

"Be careful."

"I've got this. Farewell."

Baby hangs up and flies over to Comet, who is dancing in the crowd, not paying any attention to Baby as she approaches, but Eclipsa is, and she dips down, glaring at Baby and catching her attention. She signals Baby to meet her outside, and knowing Eclipsa will attack if she refuses.

Eclipsa awaits Baby outside, greeting her with a glare. "What are you doing here?" She demands.

"I'd ask you the same," Baby returns, "Comet's going dark. Can't you see? She needs help. She needs her friends. We're enemies, but if we could just call a truce until Comet gets better. At least send Comet back to Earth -"

"You think I don't want to," Eclipsa glares, her darkness beginning to spread, "she's like the little sister I never had, but she's stubborn, and River will only make things worse. I can't chance him getting close to Star."

"I understand," Baby sighs, "listen to me. We can make a deal. There's a plan to take Menwi and if that goes through, River will take Comet. Let's call a truce. Toffee keeps Comet busy,  you help me defend Mewni, we capture River, and we send Comet home."

Eclipsa thinks. She knows with River gone, it will be safe to send Star home, and she knows that Star, who Eclipsa views as Star, not Comet, home to Earth. However, if she gets caught going behind Star's back, then Star will end up worse than before. However, Eclipsa knows it's best for Star to go home, and even with a fear of Baby betraying her lingering, she sighs and turns around...

"It's a deal..."

Meanwhile, the spy returns to the meeting, just in time to hear Marco and River agreeing, "then it's settled. In one week's time, we take Mewni, then we stop Eclipsa..."

Star VS The Forces Of Evil Monster Star AU (Plus One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now