Ponyhead (Storming Mewni Part One)

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Another awsome cover by my artist!

Comet sits, holding her scissors. She wonders about the dimensions she hasn't seen. She's seen only Earth, Mewni, and The Underworld. She begins to wonder what other dimensions there are. She observers the scissors with intense curiosity, but she knows now's not a good time. Baby will be arriving any minute...

Meanwhile Toffee is hiding in the forests of Mewni. He sees the familiar cloud of smoke soar across the sky again. Same time each week, without fail. Normally Toffee wouldn't think much of it, except the fact that he reconizes it to be Baby. Never had he seem Baby this active. The way he say it, there were two explanations.

1: Moon was planning to adopt an heir and was having Baby test the magical abilities of orphans, which was unlikely or...

2: She was using Baby to evaluate Comet's abilities.

Toffee decides to speak to Baby. He climbs up a tree and yells to her.

"Baby!" He calls.

Baby stops, and sees Toffee. She sighs, wondering why he's doing something so risky, it's may as well be suicide. However, she's so distracted by Toffee, she doesn't notice when Moon picks up her binoculars to see what the hold up is...

"What are you doing?" Baby demands, "it's dangerous to he out in the open."

"I know," he replies, "which is why I'll keep this brief. Have you met Comet?"

Apon seeing Baby talking to Toffee, Moon immediately takes her mewberty form and soars towards them at top speed.

"Yeah," Baby replies, "she actually told me to tell you she's safe Earth. I've been training her, every week, to steal the spell book from Moon."

"Can you do me a favor?" Toffee asks.

Moon arrives, but rather than

"What is it?" Baby asks.

"Give her this," Toffee replies, handing Baby a magic mirror, "and continue training her."

Apon hearing this, Moon reveals herself.

"You tratior!" She exclaims, lunging at Baby.

"Toffee!" Baby yells, "save yourself!"

Toffee nods and flees deeper into the forest. Moon lunges at Baby, who turns into smoke to avoid her magical blade.

"My only betrayl," she hisses, "was obeying you as you destroyed my race. I'm outta here."

"I'm gonna kill you!" Moon threatens.

"Like the High Commission will let you go to Earth," Baby chuckles, "goodbye."

Baby turns back into smoke and flees to Earth. Meanwhile, Comet continues to examine her scissors. She thinks back to the hellhound attack. She decides it safe to assume that Moon sent the savage beast, and begins to worry. If Moon could send a hellhound, what's to stop her from sending an army? She'd destory anything to get to Comet. Comet considers leaving and hiding out in The Underworld. If she stays and Marco gets hurt...

"Hey Comet," Marco smiles stepping outside, "what's with the scissors?"

"I was just thinking," Comet replies, "about something."

"What?" Marco asks.

"Oh," Comet lies, "nothing important."

"Can I see them?" Marco asks.

"I guess," Comet replies, handing Marco the scissors.

Marco holds the scissors in his hands. "Where exactly can these go?" He asks.

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