Earth Life Part B: The Realm of Magic

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Penelope bites into her taco, talking with the others.

"So then I said, 'it's double or nothing!' And jumped the dumpster," Jackie smiles.

"How'd that go?" Ponyhead asks.

"My bruised leg says not good," Jackie admits, "Tom's gotten really good at skateboarding."

"I'm just glad that things are starting to calm down," Kelly explains, "I mean, after all we've had to deal with, no more monsters or action or Mewni or Moon, it's not our problem anymore. At least not right now."

"I hear that," Janna smiles, "you missed all of it didn't you?" Janna turns to Penelope, "what was it like as an outsider looking in?"

"Most other kingdoms were forced into submission by Comet after the Fairy Kingdom fell," Penelope reminds, "Mewni, and there for Eclipsa still technically rules it so... my parents didn't resist. They allied with Comet against the High Comission all the same."

"What even are they?" Jackie asks, "Gods? Demons?"

"Who even knows anymore?" Ponyhead sighs, "I just wish my gurl Comet would snap outta whatever funk she's in."

"What I don't get is why Lekmet and Prime are still at it," Kelly explains, "they don't know when to quit. Hekapoo, Rhombulus, they came around, but those two? I dunno. My guess is that they're like, elder Gods? Some sort of eternal beings? We know they don't die of old age. I don't think they can be killed? I'm not sure."

"My money's on them just being immortal jerks!" Janna exclaims, "but I guess it's just a mystery of the universe."

"One other mystery," Jackie reminds, "what are Eclipsa and Toffee gonna do now..."

Sighing, Eclipsa holds a photo of her and Comet from when they went to the Bounce Lounge. Comet, who was little sister to her, is, for all she knows, broken. Not to mention rebuilding Mewni, helping Globgor adjust, trying to manage all of this is a lot for her. However, the worst part...

A green ooze drips from the top of the wand. Corrupted. Eclipsa thinks, knowing she'll need the wand if Moon tries anything, and ponders some way to repair the damaged Realm of Magic, recalling all royal families have access to magic, and knowing the princess of the Spider Kingdom is missing. She knows that there's only one place she could be safe, one group who would take her as an ally. One enemy of hers.

Marco and Comet's group on Earth...

Eclipsa opens a portal, and heads to Earth...

As Penelope and the others walk down the street to catch a movie, a portal opens behind them in an alley, from which Eclipsa emerges, silently approaching under a magical veil cast by her wand, she manages to grab Penelope, and covers her mouth, opening a portal and taking her elsewhere.

"What about you Penelope?" Jackie asks, "what kinds movies you into?"

She turns around to realize Penelope is gone.

"Uhhhh..." Jackie asks, "where did she go?..."

Eclipsa lets Penelope go.

"What the-" Penelope demands.

"The source of magic is tainted," Eclipsa explains having taken them both to Toffee's castle, "you may decline but I believe we may both benefit if you assist me. Your family once had magic, help me repair the damaged Realm of Magic and maybe you'll get that back."

Penelope's thoughts rapidly go as this.

Magic is power.

I can use that power to kill Moon and avenge my parents.

"Deal," she replies.

"That easy?" Eclipsa asks.

"Let's just make this quick," Penelope sighs.

Elcipsa deciding it best to not speak more, open a portal to the realm with her wand and the duo enter the sea of black taint, a goo of madness and despair, corrupted by Comet's shattered psyche.

"OK you need to make some vessel of magic," Eclipsa explains, "think, focus, call upon what little magic still runs in your blood."

"Got it," Penelope replies, focusing, thinking of seeing her parents die, her hatred conjures threads. Threads become a spider egg, that hatches and in a flash of grey light, a spider emerges, expelling the duo from the realm.

Eclipsa awakens back in her castle and to test, tries to cast Bat Blast.

Now it casts a spell but not the right spell...

A swarm of spiders emerges from the wand.

"That can't be good," Eclipsa sighs.

"Hey wake up!" Jackie shakes Penelope awake.

"You OK?" Kelly asks.

Penelope rubs her eyes, which are black and as she blinks close sideways like a spider, the eyes totally black like that of one of those eight legged beasts, before returning to normal.

"Yeah," Penelope lies, "sorry took a wrong turn and got separated..."

A change has begun within her. Lost magic reawoken through dark means, the Realm of Magic not repaired for darkness merely... reformed as it were. Remolded. Redesigned with, rather than a pure, blinding light, a less blinding, twilight state, a grey, dim light of a new age...

A new age is dawning. An age...

Of spiders.

Star VS The Forces Of Evil Monster Star AU (Plus One Shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang