Concern (Intervention Part One)

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Another awsome cover by my awesome artist!

"Comet," Marco pleads, "just stay home. Your attendance is already terrible anyways. Do you really think you can go to school blind?"

"Shut up!" Comet yells, gripping the railing of the stairs tightly, using it to guide her.

"Comet," Baby pleads, "you can't go out there blind. It's only been a week. Just stay until your eyes return."

"I can handle myself just fine," Comet growls, "besides, Ponyhead can help me."

Ponyhead, having decided to stay on Earth where she's safe from Henious and had been sleeping in Comet's room. The Diazs didn't seem to have an issue with it, so Ponyhead decided to stay, sleeping in the chair next to Comet's bed.

Mr. Diaz decides to step in. "Comet," he pleads, "listien, you're completely blind. Now, I don't know what happened between you two, and we know you won't tell us, but please, don't go to school. It's dangerous. You don't know Earth very well and you're blind as a bat. Not to mention your legs haven't fully healed. It's not a good idea to go without Marco, and since his arm and leg is broken, it's best to you to stay and rest."

"I'm going," Comet replies, "and I'll be back after school. Ponyhead! Let's go!"

Ponyhead floats to Comet's side. "Sure thing Comet," Ponyhead smiles. Comet grabs Ponyhead's horn and heads down to the bus stop.

Marco sighs and slowly works his way back up the stairs in his crutches. He looks into Comet's room as he passes by. Before it was mostly normal, decorated with kitten posters and the like, but since Comet went blind, she had changed the design. The room was now filled with various armors and weapons from various dimensions. Ever since the incident, Comet changed. She's become more angry, and more intent on killing Moon.

Two things haven't changed.

1: The chair and by extension...

2: The placement of Comet's diary.

Marco uses his crutches to reach the chair and sits down. With his arm that isn't in a cast, he reaches for the diary, out of concern and curiosity, and reads the latest entry.

The handwriting is terrible, almost illegible, but Marco manages to make it out. It reads, "Chapter Three: Tratior

Marco you rotten tratior! Marco, Tom, Ponyhead, Baby, and I went to steal the spell book from Moon. While in Mewni, I learned Toffee killed Star, leading to Moon's genocide, not that it matters. I managed to get the spell book, but I can't read it. Moon placed a curse of blindness on me and now I can't see. Likely for several weeks. I managed to pull off a spell while fighting Moon after being blinded called, "Nightmarish Destruction." I was so close to vengeance, but Marco... I thought I could trust him, but he got in my way. Sure I would've died, but if Moon was dead too, it wouldn't matter to me. The only reason I live is to kill Moon. After that, I don't care what happens."

Marco is now crying. He closes the book. Comet is in serious danger. She's killing herself and she doesn't care. Marco notices the magic mirror on Comet's desk. He pulls himself together and calls Tom.

Tom examines his arm, which has now fully healed when his mirror rings. Seeing it's Comet, he answers.

"Hey Tom," Marco greets.

"Marco?" Tom asks, "what are you doing with Comet's mirror?"

"She's not home right now," Marco explains, "how you doing?"

"Well," Tom explains, "good news is that Moon isn't declaring war. Bad news is that she has a bounty on my head so I can't leave The Underworld carelessly. You?"

"I broke my arm and leg," Marco replies, "look. I think Comet's losing herself to her obsession with killing Moon. I may have read her diary and in it she said she doesn't care if she dies if it means killing Moon."

"That's heavy," Tom replies, "look. I'll come over and we can confront her about the incident with the all consuming spell you told me about a few days ago. I'll be there in a few. See ya."

"See ya Tom."

Marco closes the mirror. He sighs. Comet isn't gonna take Tom's plan well, but it's all he can do. He can only hope no one sets Comet off while she's at school...

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