The Escape

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"Why would I tell you anything?" Toffee demands.

"Because, Moon explains, "if I find Comet on my own, she's dead. So, where did you send Comet?"

"Look," Toffee explains, "you can torture me, bribe me, threaten me, reason with me, but that's not gonna get me to talk. However..."

Toffee looks Moon dead in the eye, glaring.

"If you hurt even a hair on Comet's head. I won't only kill you, I'll kill every Mewmen. I'll wipe out your kind like you did mine."

"It was justice," Moon growls.

"It was genocide," Toffee retorts, "you destoryed monsters for your own selfish desires. If I wasn't restrained, I'd kill you where you stand."

Moon, tricked by Toffee's taunts, breaks the restraints.

"Prove it," she demands, Not realizing she played right into Toffee's plan, "you and me. Round two."

"See," Toffee chuckles, "I would, but I have a meeting to attend. Thanks for letting me go Moon."

Toffee grabs the chair he was in and throws it at Moon before fleeing into the city.

"Kill him!" Moon yells.

Archers fire at Toffee, one hitting him in the leg. He cries out in pain as he limps away, desperately fleeing from the guards. He sneaks down an alley and into the sewers.

"Disgusting," he thinks aloud. He begins to walk. He has to get a pair of scissors, and he has to find some way to stop Moon. She's gonna kill Comet. Just like the Mewmens killed everyone else...

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