A Day Without Comet

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The light of the Blood Moon fills the room. Marco holds Comet's hand, she smiles at him. The two begin to dance to the light of the Blood Moon, both of them looking into the other's eyes. Until, Comet's eyes goes pale, and she glares at Marco.

Comet pushes Marco away and runs. The Blood Moon glows brightly over Marco, who now stands alone. Jackie comes into the red light, and briefly dances with him, comforting him, but she too leaves soon.

Marco turns back to chase after Comet, following her as a green glow grows brighter around her. Until, eventually, she turns back to look at Marco, tears in her eyes, which are now an unholy emerald green. He grabs Comet's hand, and she lets out a hellish scream before fleeing. Marco follows her, running through her castle on Mewni as the Blood Moon shines on them like spotlights. He sees her and Moon, standing over a dark abyss, each consumed by darkness, glaring at another with all consuming hatred. Their arms chained together, binding them in some unspoken pact.

"No!" Marco yells, desperate to stop what comes next, but, the two ignore him, and look at eachother, accepting mutually assured destruction, and jump, embracing darkness...

Marco wakes up.

"Come on Marco," Baby pokes Marco with her pencil, "get up. So what if Ponyhead can't supply an army? We still have Tom."

Marco doesn't respond, he simply lies on his bed, a sad look on his face.

"Besides," Baby continues, "we have Toffee on our side. So, come on, get up."

"That's not it," Marco sighs, "it's just... what if Comet is to far gone? You said you've seen this before, with someone named Eclipsa. What happened to her?"

"Well..." Baby explains, "long story short, she was trapped in a crystal for all eternity."

"Marvellous," Marco replies, "that's really reassuring."

"Look," Baby explains, "I know it's hard, and it's easy to lose hope, but that's when we lose her Marco, when we lose hope. You just have to keep moving forward. We'll overthrow her soon, I promise."

"Yeah," Marco sighs, "you're right. It's just so hard, knowing she's going down this dark path and all I can do is wait."

"Marco," Baby sighs, "come on, get up. Don't you have school today?"

"I'm calling in sick."

"Nope, you did that yesterday."

"And the day before."

"Alright, that's enough, come on, we're going."

Baby helps Marco up, and follows him as he picks up his backpack unenthusiasticly and walks out the door. As he walks towards the bus stop he worries about Comet. Before, he at least had Jackie, but now she's left him. Now, Marco has nobody.

He sits on the bus, leaving a seat open for Comet, forgetting that she's gone for a split second, but then remembering that she's gone. Baby sits down in the seat.

"What are you doing?" Marco asks.

"What's it look like?" Baby asks, "I'm coming with you. I mean, I've got nothing better to do, and besides, you really look like you could use a friend like now."

"You just want me to make nachos when we got home don't you?" Marco asks.

"Yeah," Baby replies, "kinda, but that's besides the point. The point is you gotta get back into your life. You can't just stop living because Comet is gone."

"You're right," Marco sighs, "let's just get this over with."

Marco arrives at school and heads to his first class, looking down at his feet.

"Hey," Baby forces a smile, "cheer up. You have other friends Marco. We're here for you."

"Totally," Janna reveals herself from under the teacher's desk.

"Have you been following me?" Marco asks.

"Yup," Janna smiles, "and Marco, listien, we need to talk. I know you're worried about Comet. I am too. So is Jackie, and Tom, and everyone else, but you have to keep going. If you don't, and you give up, then we fail. How are you gonna help Comet if you don't have your own act together?"

"Yeah," Marco gets up, renewed confidence in his voice, "you're right. Thanks for the pep talk guys."

"No need to thank me," Janna smiles, walking away with Marco's wallet, "I already helped myself."

Marco reaches for his pocket and realizes his wallet is missing, but Janna is long gone. He decides to let he go, and he sits, thinking about his dream. How he saw Comet and Moon jump into the abyss.

"Hey," Baby asks, "you thinking about something?"

"Yeah," Marco replies, "if Comet goes to speak to Tom's father, then we've got no army. I need you to do me a favor, call the others for a meeting tonight at Tom's castle. We need to attack now."

"Got it," Baby replies, "I'll get right on it."

Baby turns into smoke and leaves. Marco sits, and looks at the photo of him with Comet and the others, all his freinds, before Comet went dark.

"I promised," he whispers under his breath, "I wouldn't give up on you. It's time Comet, today, like it or not, you're coming home..."

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