Chapter 2

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Harper was riding down the sidewalk on her long board on her way back home. Spencer was on his bike next to her. Just then her brothers drove up next to her in their car.

"Get in the car Harper" demanded Blaine.

Harper rolled her eyes and kept going. Ben who was driving kept slowly following.

"Harper I'm serious" said Blaine.

Harper stopped and gave him a look.

"What?" she asked with attitude.

"You know what" said Blaine.

"Told ya" said Spencer.

"Shut up" said Harper back. He rode off on his bike.

Harper relunctantly got in the car. She crossed her arms as she sat in the back.

"Seriously Harper. I don't care that you let all the frogs go. But putting them in Grace's locker???"

"Oh my God. Come on. That was pure genius" said Harper.

"Harper" said Blaine sternly.

Ben laughed.

"See Ben thinks it was funny"

"What will dad think?" said Blaine.

Harper turned away and stared out the window.

"That's what I thought"

"Make anyone cry today?" asked Ben.

Blaine shot Ben a look.

"Nope but its only 3:30"

Ben laughed. Blaine smirked.

Late that night. Harper was reading in the living. Ben and Blaine were doing their homework somewhere. Harper could careless about where Grace was. Just then their father walked in. And immediately Grace came running down the steps.

"Daddy!" she yelled.

He sighed knowing what was coming.

"Yes Grace I know what happened"

"She has to be stopped. I got frog all over me!"

Ben and Blaine looked at each.

"I'm done for the day dealing with that" said Blaine.

"Harper is literally going to make Dad lose his mind" said Ben

"Its too later for that" Blaine.

Grace followed her father into the living where Harper was.

"Harper! Frogs? really?"

"Dad they are innocent creatures that were going to be killed"

"That's great but now I have to pay to replace all those frogs!" he yelled.

"What about my locker!??!"

"Grace! I am getting to that"

"Opportunity" replied Harper.

"You are grounded to further notice"

"Perfect" said Harper giving him a sassy look and attitude.

"That's it!" yelled Grace, "What about my locker? Its destroyed and covered in frog!"

Their father now was totally exasperated.

"Looks like you are going to just have to find another place to put your books. Oh wait I forgot you don't know how to read, right?"

Grace screeched.

"Enough!" yelled their father, "Both of you go to your rooms"

Harper walked off. Grace screeched again and walked off too.

"Boys!" yelled their father.

Ben and Blaine both rolled their eyes.

"Great" said Ben.

"This is your fault" said Blaine.

"What! How?"

"You never back me up and are always encouraging her"

"What do you want from her? She's like this because she is angry and dad is clueless"

Blaine said nothing and headed down the steps. Ben followed.

"Ya dad?" asked Blaine.


"What did you want us to do? We had no idea she was going to do that" said Ben.

"Talk to her."

"Oh ya let me just be like. Hey Harper what evil, conniving thing are you going to do today to get in trouble? Cus she'd tell us"

"Benjamin. I don't need the attitude from you"

"Why don't you talk to her for once!" Ben yelled and stormed off.

"He's just having a bad day"

"Aren't we all?" he sighed in exasperation and walked away.

Harper "Fierce" DanielsWhere stories live. Discover now