Chapter 4

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Ben ran after Harper and found her outside sitting on the front porch steps. 

"Harper" said Ben standing behind her.

"Why does dad have to know?"

Ben sat down next to her "Because you can't forge his signature or lie to him"

"First off you forge his signature all the time and second its not lying if he doesn't ask and he never asks me about anything going on in my life" 

Ben rolled his eyes a little "Ok I can't argue with the forgery thing, but its not like dad doesn't care, he will be so happy for you."

"No he won't!" said Harper jumping up "He doesn't care about me, because its my fault..." she stopped, "He doesn't care about any of us" she ran back in the house.

Ben tried to grab her, but got away from him "Harper" Ben sighed.

Blaine was just in the door and grabbed Harper by the arm "You aren't doing this" he said sternly.

Harper gave him a seriously angry look and tried to pull the way "Stop it" he said, "I don't know where you get this idea that dad doesn't care, but it needs to stop. He does care you just need to let him in and try a little harder" 

"Let go of me" said Harper angry

"Blaine!" yelled Ben.

Blaine let her go and she ran up the steps. 

Ben shot Blaine a look "What is wrong with you?"

"I've had enough Ben! I can't deal with it anymore. She is out of control"

"Can't you see she's hurting" 

"We've tried and tried to help, but she won't let us" 

"So your giving up?"

"Ben I'm tired, dad's tired."

Ben rolled his eyes and shook his head, he was about to walk away when they heard things being broke upstairs. They ran up the steps and found Harper in her room throwing things.

"Harper! Stop it!" they yelled grabbing her, "stop it!" they kept saying to get her to stop. Grace then came in the room.

"Are you kidding me! That's my stuff!" she yelled, "What the hell is the matter with you!!!" she said storming over to Grace.

"Grace don't!" yelled Blaine.

Just then their father came in the door, he heard all the commotion and ran up the steps.

"What's going on?" he asked 

"Nothing dad, its fine don't worry about. We can handle it" said Blaine. Both Blaine and Ben were still holding on to Harper. 

"Clearly" he said looking around the room, "Everyone downstairs now"

Harper pulled away from her brothers with anger.

"Harper!" yelled their father sternly, "Downstairs now!"

They all went downstairs and took a seat on the couch.

"Now one at a time, explain to me what happen"

"Harper attempted to hit me and my team with a soccer ball" said Grace, "then destroyed my stuff and attacked me"

"That's not the whole story!" yelled Harper.

"Hey!" yelled their father, "Blaine please explain to me"

"I didn't know about the soccer ball thing, but Harper made this prestigious soccer team and she ..." he stopped for a second "she needs your permission to join, but she just wanted us to sign it, because she thinks you will say no. She got mad and did attack Grace. When he tried to talk to her, she started to break Grace's stuff"

"Because its all her fault!" yelled Harper.

"Harper! That's it! Your behavior is completely unacceptable. You are out of the control. And right now I don't think joining that team is a good idea until your behavior changes!"

Harper got tears in her eyes "I hate you! Mom would've let me!" she yelled running away.

Ben crossed his arms and gave his dad a look. Blaine was quit. 

"Don't even start Ben" he said giving him a look.

"Grace, the attitude you have needs to change to. I've had enough of all this. You are grounded until further notice. Now get out of here"  she stormed off upstairs.

Then their father sat on the edge of the coffee table and held his head in his hands, he sighed. 

"Dad we're trying"

"I know. But both of them are out of control. Especially Harper. If it keeps up. I'm sending her to that school"

"Dad..." said Ben.

"Ben don't, not now" he got up and walked away. 

"Dad I'm sorry"

"Its not your fault. Can you just go tell Harper to clean up that mess she made"

"Ya" he said getting up and leaving.

Harper "Fierce" DanielsWhere stories live. Discover now